British Winter Tour 1974
Pink Floyd: Little Lambs Eat Ivy
London Empire Pool, Wembly 17Nov74
Liberated by Man of Leisure Music

Third generation from the master tapes, burned
to three Kodak Gold Discs and traded to MoLM by
the Blank Man. Converted to shn by Flynn.

The taper told me he lost his original tapes,
so MoLM reunited him with his fine work. This
is the same taper who recorded "The Show Must
Go On" (06Aug80), and "No Room Upon the Hill"
(16Nov74). He obviously knew what he was doing.
We're all very grateful.

No editing or re-mastering of any kind has
been done to this roio. These are the "raw"
tapes from the original source. For instance,
DSotM is only two tracks.

This is being distributed in its original form
(it's just too good to mess with) by Man of
Leisure Music (MoLM)

Two shn discs expanding to three audio discs:

disc one

raving and drooling
you gotta be crazy
shine on you crazy diamond

disc two

dark side of the moon, part one
dark side of the moon, part two

disc three

encore: echoes

here are the MD5 verification codes from MoLM's
source discs:


b841bfbf87bdf5b8284c3338057168e6 *11-17-74a_01.shn
2e2cdcfa59618d867b1e7d5b3a9c135d *11-17-74a_02.shn
2c99efd3233742ddd4097e38a37b55e3 *11-17-74a_03.shn


c9dd3f894ecfb855329f349e1755f646 *11-17-74b_01.shn
1fb7e37310ff50a73b3648f4ede23263 *11-17-74b_02.shn


0abd7e11c67d02d4dce4009045fceadd *11-17-74c.shn