Pink Floyd
Boston Garden
Boston, MA
18 June 1975
Goody Speed/Pitch-adjusted Remaster of PRRP 066 "A Saucerful Of Treasures"
Taper: Steve Hopkins (Source 1)
Location: Section CC, row 10, seat 14 (Left Center)
Lineage: Sony ECM-99A microphone hand-held > Sony TC-152SD > Master Cassettes >
2005 Digital transfer by BR > Nakamichi BX-300 > Digigram VXPocket V2 > WAV
Taper: Dan Lampinski (Source 2)
Location: Section BB, row 5, seat 6
Lineage: Sony ECM-99 Stereo Microphone > Sony TC-152SD Tape Recorder >
Nakamichi CR-3A cassette deck with azimuth correction ->
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile 2496 -> CDWAV 24-bit/96-KHz wav files ->
Goldwave (normalizing and crossfades) -> CDWAV (track breaks)
Goody's additional lineage:
dBpoweramp (WAV) > Audition (DC Bias Adjust; Pitch Bender -47 cents; Tracking updated; D2t10 edited to eliminate some encore audience and allow burning to a standard disc*) >
TLH (FLAC Level 8; Align sector boundaries; .ffp) > foobar2000 (tags)
Set I / Disc 1
01 Raving And Drooling 13:06
02 You've Gotta Be Crazy 13:49
03 Shine On You Crazy Diamond I-V 12:26
04 Have A Cigar 4:34
05 Shine On You Crazy Diamond VI-IX 12:06
Total Time: 56:02
Set II / Disc 2
01 Speak To Me 5:44
02 Breathe 2:48
03 On The Run 4:57
04 Time > Breathe (reprise) 6:09
05 The Great Gig In The Sky 6:03
06 Money 8:05
07 Us And Them 7:33
08 Any Colour You Like 8:27
09 Brain Damage 3:52
10 Eclipse > audience pre-encore 4:25
11 Echoes 22:25
Total Time: 1:20:28
(Total Time if burning with D2T10 alternate: 1:18:56)
Bonus Alternate Track*:
10 Eclipse > audience pre-encore (alternate) 2:53
Original Remaster Notes:
1. Attenuate clicks, pops, bumps and isolated claps in each source.
2. Match pitch and tonality/EQ given different locations of tapers.
3. Synchonize recordings.
4. Patch missing sections in each recording with the other.
5. Merge both recordings and create stereo image.
6. Correct phasing and center sound.
7. Balance power and dynamics of each channel.
8. Track.
Original Note:
The PRRP 053 project attempted to optimize the sound of each recording of this show separately for enjoyment on its own. Given different taper locations, that allowed a different listening experience from each recording. This stereo remaster project compared the sound of each to the other and matched the pitch, tone and dynamics with the intention of merging them into a composite recording. Given the enhanced acoustics and the quality of each recording used for this project, the resulting stereo remaster provides a better representation of the true live audio experience.
Goody's additional notes:
The source edition ran quite fast, causing the pitch to be approximately 47 cents sharp. A slight error in the DC Bias was corrected before adjusting the pitch.
*Also, once the speed/pitch was adjusted, the total time became longer. CD2 will no longer burn to a standard audio disc without overburning; (many up-to-date burning programs and writers will accomodate this on most blank CD media however, once it is set up in 'preferences'.)
For those who want to burn this to a CD without overburning; please burn 'D2T10alternate' instead of 'D2T10', which I've included in a separate folder. Otherwise, please continue to use D2t10 when setting up playback.
Many thanks to all involved in the various sources and treatments in putting the original package of this outstanding document together!
Text updated for this edition December 17, 2016.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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