Pink Floyd
Westfallenhalle, Dortmund
23 January 1977
Primary source: 'Animals Tour Debut' (Digital Floyd) (rec 1) (audience - recorder 3 - cass[? - master ?]>DAT>CDR>[CEP]>wav>flac(l8)). Original torrent: - thanks to floyd42 for the upload.
Secondary source: 'Bugger's Eyes' (rec 3) (audience - recorder 3 - cass[? - master ?]>DAT>CDR>[CEP]>wav>flac(l8)). Original torrent: - thanks to andy_672 (RIP) for the upload.
A personal project combining these two sources to make up the complete show. I used rec 1 for the primary source because it sounded a bit more well-balanced to my ears compared to the thinner-sounding rec 3; rec 3 was used to fill the missing pieces. Aside from that, both sources were in need of a great deal of speed correction, particularly rec 1. Anyone familiar with rec 1 can no doubt recall the horrendous speed problems during 'Pigs' in particular.
Here are the details of the work done to create this:
- MAJOR speed correction on ATD throughout - was particularly bad during P3DO
- increased volume on rec 3 to better match ATD
- blended in roughly the first 50 seconds of Sheep from rec 3
- blended in roughly 20 seconds from rec 3 between Sheep and POTW1
- blended in roughly 55 seconds from rec 3 between Dogs and POTW2
- blended in roughly 20 seconds from rec 3 between POTW2 and P3DO
- blended in roughly 30 seconds from rec 3 after P3DO
- blended in roughly 30 seconds from rec 3 before SOYCD 1-5
- blended in roughly 35 seconds from rec 3 between WttM and HAC
- blended in roughly 8 seconds from rec 3 between HAC and WYWH
- blended in roughly 25 seconds from rec 3 between WYWH and SOYCD 6-9
- blended in the end of SOYCD 6-9 from rec 3 and performed major speed correction
- removed a few minutes of crowd noise from rec 3 before the encore and then blended ATD back in during the tune-up before Money
This was a very time-consuming endeavor mostly due to the speed problems, but this significant concert warranted the effort. Hope you enjoy it.
The torrent includes two short samples to give you an idea of how the source blends and speed correction sound.
No artwork, but please feel free to create and post your own.
DISC 1 (55:03)
1. Sheep
2. Pigs on the Wing Pt. 1
3. Dogs
4. Pigs on the Wing Pt. 2
5. Pigs (Three Different Ones)
DISC 2 (69:10)
1. Shine on You Crazy Diamond I-V
2. Welcome to the Machine
3. Have a Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Shine on You Crazy Diamond VI-IX
6. Money
7. Us and Them