Artist: Pink Floyd
Venue: Miami Baseball Stadium, Miami, Florida
Date: April 22nd, 1977
Label: Man of Leisure Music (MoLM)
Title: "Thirty!"
Opening concert of the American leg of the 1977
Animals Tour. Thirtieth concert of 55 performed
from 23Jan77 through 06Jul77.
Roger had a habit of "numbering" many of the '77
Tour performances by calling out a number during
Pigs (3do), usually right at the end of the third
Speed corrected by Danalog
Re-released in January, 2002 by Man of Leisure
Music (MoLM) as part of a tribute honoring the
25th Anniversary of the 1977 Animals Tour.
Here are the original MD5 shn codes of the source
discs so you can compare and ensure you have a
genuine clone of the original re-master.
Disc one:
495e5c780e3a1b392aa7bf1fc720f5e8 *Track01.shn
3b5639f30068f8ff2e955034a5a6443a *Track02.shn
3d80803696ca581bd344fbd09c0c879f *Track03.shn
c4674444c3c62fb54c86c401686dcc59 *Track04.shn
7374b8caca7e746b3315d73c7016e0ac *Track05.shn
6e16925b86e4dc79b4fca180277ce0fc *Track06.shn
Disc two:
6eb3f02b7ca7c6ba6a3fab09ce3647d1 *Track01.shn
1806d3e0747a50e252f0d8cdbea03803 *Track02.shn
880008e8789bc1042778ee40999b65f9 *Track03.shn
54fcf7e547f3112277a0a52ce02bed94 *Track04.shn
159c8454b4fba1430d60acc7dfbd5277 *Track05.shn
db3ac060fcf4ff312f920392c01657a2 *Track06.shn
5ff757161d0d83a879b278d7a4947d02 *Track07.shn
f44a418980437bd6c27a9d5e0751f4c8 *Track08.shn