Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A)
I'm the guy who recorded this show. I have the original analog cassette tapes of it.
Over the years I have traded analog tape copies and have done one other digital transfer of it (Iron Pigs On Fire T-700). This is a revision of that release for the 30 year aniversary of the show. I have gone back to the origijnal tapes as the source for this release (Iron Pigs On Fire T-700Rev.A).
Mics: 2 Sony ECM 19B >
Recorder: Sony TC-152 >
Tape: Sony Chrome CRO-90 cassettes
the Original Analog Cassette Tapes >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder > 16 bit 48 kHz >
ADS Tech Instant Music RDX-150 input SPDIF
output USB to computer 16 bit 48 kHz >
Wave Lab 5 - WAV 16 bit 48 kHz > Audacity > CD Wave Editor > WAV 16 bit 48 and 44.1 kHz > FLAC
disc 1
1. Sheep
2. Pigs On The Wing (part 1)
3. Dogs
4. Pigs On The Wing (part 2)
5. Pigs (Three Different Ones)
disc 2
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts 1 - 5)
2. Welcome To The Machine
3. Have A Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts 6 - 9)
6. (applause)
7. Money
8. Us And Them
The right microphone became unplugged during the concert just before Us And Them. I used the left channel for both so, technically that song is 2 channel mono. I checked and made a slight speed correction and put Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts 6 - 9) back together. I have included the files pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz-edits removed.flac and pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz-edits removed.flac which contains all the sound from the edits made when sound was deleted or patched. If you burn as audio I wouldn't recomend including this file on the audio disc.
I have included both 48 kHz and 44.1 kHz sampled versions in this release. The 44.1 kHz is for burning as audio discs.
The artwork has been revised for this version and I've included scans of the original tapes.
I did the original recording, editing, mastering (tweaking), analog to digital transfer and artwork for this version of this show. Don't add, change or remove any of these files. Please keep the text, md5 and artwork files unaltered, together with the FLAC's.
Don't rename directories or file names if you share this. My concern is that when people rename them they drop information like date, venue, location, T number. This information is useful to others when searching for or deciding which version of a show they want or already have.
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A)
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d1t01.flac 88.77 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d1t02.flac 10.57 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d1t03.flac 123.15 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d1t04.flac 18.25 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d1t05.flac 124.65 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t01.flac 93.46 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t02.flac 56.94 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t03.flac 47.97 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t04.flac 41.04 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t05.flac 137.10 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t06.flac 31.01 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t07.flac 82.39 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz d2t08.flac 57.32 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 44.1kHz-edits removed.flac 1.20 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d1t01.flac 87.00 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d1t02.flac 10.49 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d1t03.flac 120.19 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d1t04.flac 18.52 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d1t05.flac 124.40 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t01.flac 93.56 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t02.flac 56.46 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t03.flac 47.60 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t04.flac 41.64 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t05.flac 138.21 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t06.flac 31.39 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t07.flac 82.65 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz d2t08.flac 58.95 MB
pf1977-05-01 (T-700Rev.A) 48kHz-edits removed.flac 1.28 MB
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A) BACK.JPG 2.08 MB
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A) DISC1.JPG 1.44 MB
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A) DISC2.JPG 1.60 MB
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A) FRONT.JPG 1.66 MB
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A) INSIDE.JPG 1.73 MB
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A).md5
Pink Floyd 1977-05-01 TCCC Ft. Worth TX (Iron Pigs On Fire) aud (T-700Rev.A).txt
T-700 original tapes.jpg 822.98 KB
Don't alter the sound of this recording. The T releases are not to be used as a source for anyones so called remastering projects. If you really want to do something start recording shows or find a recording sourced from another recorder and work from that. Don't just take what I have worked on and screw with it.
For Trade or Give Away Only - Do Not Sell - Do Not Encode As MP3 Virus Files - MD or any other format which degrades the quality of the recording.
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May 1, 2007 T________