Odd Rock Cafe, Milwaukee, USA
December - 12 - 1987
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 528
Audience tape of unknown generation. Thanks to SEETHEFUZZ7 for digitalizing it from tape and sending it to me.
Rec. Info:
Cassette of unknown generation -> transfer via Nakamichi tapedeck DR3 -> wav-file -> wetransfer -> Magix Music Cleaning Lab (edit/remaster) -> FLAC (44,1 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo) -> DIME
G+/Vg- sound after some EQ. The sound is not very good, especially at high levels it is quite distorted. There are some cuts between songs and track 15 is cut before the end.
One of my favourite Neo-Psychedelic acts of the 80's with a heavy psychedelic touch but still very melodic and song oriented. Not to mention the queer song titles.
Unfortunately they made it never to Europe like so many others. This is a gig from their home town Milwaukee and the audience is not showing too much excitement but the band seemed
to like it as the show went over 90 minutes. This recording was never on dime before.
Attached is the poster of the show.
Setlist (tape length 93:00 min.)
01 � Window Sills
02 - House
03 - ?
04 - Sipping The Bitterness
05 - What Am I To Say
06 - Gloria Knight
07 - Fairytale Hysteria
08 - No Shine For The Shoes
09 - The Glove
10 - In My Black & White
11 - Pop! Op Drops
12 - Prince Is In My Counting Room
13 - Abcessed Words To Climb
14 - Disengaged From The World
15 - Alexander (cut)
16 - (The Lie Of) Great Sedan Pinocchio
17 - Transparence Friends
18 - Mushroom Hill
19 - Wall Flowers
20 - Euphoric Trapdoor Shoes
21 - Processes Of The Silverness
22 - Go A Go-Go Time
23 - I'm Gonna Emphasize
24 - Office Skills
25 - Lady Is No Lady
26 - A Quick Commentary On Wax Museums
27 - ?
28 - Elongations
29 - Moaning And Grocering
30 - Posing For Pictures
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy their albums.
Do convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. Don't ever sell!
Plasticland 1987:
Glenn William Rehse - Lead Vocals, Guitar, Organ
Daniel C. Mullen - Guitar, Vocals
John C. Frankovic - Bass, Vocals
Victor Demechei - Drums
Uploaded to DIME by Stacheleber 2013/11/14
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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