Taper Anonymous series volume 3
The Police
Sting: bass, vocals
Andy Summers: guitar
Stewart Copeland: drums
The Warehouse
New Orleans, La. USA
January 26, 1980
promoting their 2nd album "Regatta de Blanc"
the Specials opened
TA smaster series volume 3
Recorded by R.H. with
Sony D5 (master tape) + unknown stereo microphone
runtime: 84:42 (minutes/ seconds)
1: next to you 2:38
2: so lonely 7:09
3: walking pn the moon 5:04
4: hole in my life 3:52
5: deathwish 5:25
6: fall out 2:32
7: truth hits everybody 3:49
8: bring on the night 5:19
9: visions of the night 3:14
10: message in a bottle 5:24 (end applause spliced, tape flip)
11: the bed's too big without you 9:03
12: Peanuts 3:06
13: Roxanne 6:39
14: can't stand losing you 8:47
15: landlord > 6:29
16: born in the 50's 4:13
17: be my girl > 3:49
18: next to you (reprise) 1:15
parts of the 1st and last couple of tracks were monoized
due to an intermittent left channel.
most of it is fully stereo audience.
no intermittence remains in here.
master tape > unknown transfer to 16 bit 44.1 khz wav >
soundforge (tracking) > flac 8 (sb's aligned w/TLH)
tracked and spliced by glasnostrd19
we are presenting a new master series from the collection of "taperanonymous".
these will cover a variety of rock and alternative bands from the 1980's.
this 3rd one takes us to the heart of Bayou country, New Orleans, la. for a rockin set from the Police
promoting their 2nd album, "Regatta de Blanc". the next one Zenyatta, Mondata would not be recorded
until late summer of that year, and none of those songs are played in here.
this series comes from multiple tapers, so the decks used are likely going to vary some.
this capture is a very good one despite a not very good sounding venue,
the Allman Brothers actually wanted to record their most famous live album ever from this place,
but opted instead for the Fillmore East in NYC (which is hardly ideal sound, either)
to record one of the most legendary live rock albums ever recorded in the early 1970's.
the Police have just one official live album from the early days,
"Live" includes sets from Boston in late 79 and Atlanta in 1983.
everyone comes through well. this taper was fairly close to the stage and well positioned.
there is alot of crowd noise, this is a fairly large venue
Most of these masters have never been circulated, and some have been traded only once
in first generation copies made with a bad auto reverse cassette deck.
The collection is comprised of masters from friends from the east coast, West coast and South,
and are of mostly shows from the 1980's.
The length and magnitude of this series depends on help from the collector community
as "taperanonymous" is looking for certain shows to add to his collection.
No need to post shows already torrented or ones in wide circulation.
This is a special request to dig a little bit into those dusty boxes in your parents attic
or the ones you dumped into storage 20 years ago.
Here is what he is after - These specific dates do exist and have appeared on traders lists years ago.
(the list will be included in future description texts of this series,
since some will hopefully be found and the want list can be updated accordingly.)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: