The Police
TV Reports for the concert in
New York City, NY, USA
Shea Stadium
18 Aug 1983
1) Report from Shea Stadium with short interview (UK? tv) 5:12.59
2) J. King about the Shea gig ("Entertainment USA") 2:29.07
3) J. King presenting "Best selling single" from 1983 1:24.55
Every breath you take live from Shea Stadium
Broadcasted in December 1983.
This is a short collection of various TV reports for the Shea Stadium
I have taken several different versions of this reports on audio cassette
tapes and on VHS and mixed the best ones to get the longest versions,
specially for the first track.
The first track is assembled from three different audio tapes. The second is
taken from the best quality tape of the three I have.
The third track is taken from VHS. I have forced this back to mono with
cooledit and now sounds much better. I also pathced a small dropout with another
version I have on audiotape, and it came out so well that now I do not know
exactly where I did this..
The lineage is:
vhs(?) or cass(?)>cdrw700>coax>firewire410>coolpro>FLAC (8 w/ verify)
If you have a better copy or any different source, please contact me.
-- Carlo Bolchini - - 16/Mar/2005