The Police
Chicago, IL, USA
Rosemont Horizon
19 February 1984
Length: Min
Source: Audience
Quality: 9
Notes: Source #1
Origin: DS, Nov 2006
Lineage: Audience > ? > Sony CHF 90 low generation cassette (scan included)
Conversion: Cass(?)>Nakamichi Dragon>CD-RW700>coax>M-Audio FireWire 410>coolpro>cdwav>FLAC (level 8 w/ verify)
The CD-RW700 is used only for the A/D conversion and is a pass-through.
There is no DAE in the lineage/conversion
Conversion by: Carlo Bolchini 29/Jan/2007
Size: 918 MB
Compressed: 600 MB
Disc 1
01) Voices inside my head [last fragment] > Synchronicity I >
02) Synchronicity II >
03) Walking in your footsteps
04) Message in a bottle
05) Walking on the moon
06) Oh my God >
07) De do do do de da da da
08) Wrapped around your finger >
09) Tea in the Sahara
10) Hole in my life
Disc 2
01) Spirits in the material world [small cut at beginning for tape flip]
02) Invisible sun
03) One world (not three)
04) King of pain
05) Don't stand so close to me
06) Every breath you take
07) Murder by numbers
08) Roxanne
09) Bonanza theme
10) Can't stand losing you > Reggatta de blanc > Can't stand losing you
11) Spread a little happiness [PA, cut] **
** Removed from this torrent, official release, the mods wouldn't have passed it.
Very nice and clean, I think this is a first generation but have no more the
paperworks to confirm. Great dynamic range.
It has just a bit too much of reverb, and there are a couple of abrupt
volume level changes. Also, sometimes the stereo image changes shortly, like
the taper was changing angle of his mics, with a click sometimes.
Few hiss, some audience noise.
They did not play 'So lonely', you can hear 'Spread a little happiness' coming
from the PA after the last song, stating that the show was over.
Well, you could have heard it if I'd left it.
At the beginning of 'Spirits' you can hear Sting and Stewart are out of beat
(we say "girati" in italian, I don't know how shall I put it in English).
Thanks to Dan for lending me the tape.
No eq, no noise reduction, no speed adjustment.
If you have a better copy or any different source, please contact me.
-- Carlo Bolchini - - 29/Jan/2007
- 29 Jan 2007 This file created.
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