The Police
Estadi Ol�mpic Llu�s Companys,
September 27th. 2007
Complete Show
Ticket included
Edirol R-09 (24/44) Internal Mics-->
2 GB San Disk--> Cool Edit Pro 2.1 for resampling (16/44.1) -->
equalization --> CD wave for tracks splitting --> flac (8) FLAC Frontend "AOSB" activated --> YOU
Recording notes:
Location: Sector 113, Row 33, Seat X
Very good Audience recording
Taped from about 60 meters center stacks (corner-back of the stadium).
Size: MB compressed (FLAC) , 1,06 GB uncompressed (WAV)
Total running time: 1 hour, 48 minutes, 21 seconds
1. The Police arrival [0:47]
2. Message in a Bottle [4:30]
3. Synchronicity II [6:18]
4. Walking On The Moon [5:49]
5. Voices Inside My Head/ When The World Is Running Down [7:08]
6. Don't Stand So Close To Me [4:53]
7. Driven To Tears [5:49]
8. Hole In My Life/ Hit The Road Jack [5:39]
9. Truth Hits Everybody [4:14]
10. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic [5:39]
11. Wrapped Around Your Finger [6:04]
12. De Do Do Do De Da Da Da [4:47]
13. Invisible Sun [4:56]
14. Walking In Your Footsteps [4:40]
15. I can't stand losing you [7:23]
16. Roxanne [7:30]
17. King Of Pain [5:49]
18. So Lonely [6:54]
19. Every Breath You Take [5:43]
20. Next To You [3:48]
Decent audience recording from last night's Police show in Barcelona.
There was a tremendous expectation for this show, one of the highest in the recent years here in Barcelona.
The 55.000 tickets were sold in seven hours last April.
The show itself was excellent. Regarding the recording, my tickets were far from stage, so finally I decided not
to bring my complete gear recording cause I expected a wild and enthusiastic public and decided to tape the show with the
Edirol's internal mics. Show itself sounded decent, but far from being perfect from my position. The result has been a very good recording, but far from being perfect. Please listen to the samples and
judge by yourself.
There are some clappings over the recording, but I think fo not disturb too much.
So meanwhile another recording surfaces, this will keep our memories of that night alive.
During tracks 5 and 6, there were 2 guys trying to to the "famous" wave. They tried several times with no result
(people is going to a rock show, not to a foottball match or a cirkus).
Dedicated to all people from Dimeadozen who had shared their recordings of the current tour and for the future ones!
Do not ever convert this show to mp3 (only for personal use)
Do not sell ever.
If you plan on offering this recording for b&p, vine or freebie please leave this text file as it is.
Please share and trade freely in your own fan base domain.
Hope you all enjoy this recording as much as I do. PLAY IT AS LOUDLY AS YOU CAN!!!
Please let me know what you think.
Please support the artists, go to their concerts and buy their CDs
Taped, transferred, & edited by fortylicks
Fingerprints included
Released September 28th, 2007
Thanks and enjoy,
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: