Pork Pie
Berliner Jazztage, Philharmonie, Berlin/Germany, 1st November 1974, 11PM

Pork Pie:
Charlie Mariano, reeds
Jasper van't Hof, kb
Philip Cathérine, g
Jean-François Jenny-Clark, b
Aldo Romano, dr


01 Medley (Epoch - Something Wrong - Pudu Kkottai - Bassamba - Transitory - Angel Wings) 34:51
02 March Of The Oil-Sheiks 01:53
03 08:10

TT: 44:54

source: DVB-S@320, 48kHz > raw data > ProjextX > mp3DirectCut > mp2
(lossy recording seeded in its original broadcast codec)

Please note: Do not ask me for reseeds, I always delete the torrents from the previous month within the first days of the next month.