A Prairie Home Companion
Heather Masse
Christine DiGiallonardo
I'm With Her [Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz, and Aoife O�Donovan]
Garrison Keillor etc.
live at the Hollywood Bowl
Hollywood, California USA
July 01, 2016
WGBH-HD-FM broadcast 2016-07-02
Program: "Sumus Quod Sumus"
Garrison Keillor's final show with PHC.
"This week: we�re at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, California
for our final broadcast of the season. It�s a duet singing show,
with Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O�Donovan, Heather Masse,
and Christine DiGiallonardo all along to join the host on time-honored
American ballads, British Invasion romps, country-western weepers,
and Broadway classics, guaranteed to send him off to radio retirement in style.
Plus: our Royal Academy of Radio Actors, Tim Russell, Sue Scott, and Fred Newman,
with L.A. tales and sound effects straight from rush hour on the 101;
pianist and music director Richard Dworsky guides the band (Bernie Dresel on drums,
bassist Larry Kohut, Richard Kriehn on mandolin and fiddle,
and guitarist Chris Siebold) through surf melodies
and sun-drenched rock�n�roll instrumentals; and one last update
on the News from Lake Wobegon, the little town that time forgot,
and the decades cannot improve." - phc
116:47 minutes
Part 1 65:15 minutes
01 intro 9:57
02 "Let it Be Me" 2:41
03 - > - 6:21
04 intro 0:36
05 "When My Morning Comes Around" {Iris Demint] 2:56
06 - 2:11
07 Powdermilk Biscuits 1:36
08 The Lives of the Cowboys 16:48
09 intro 0:19
10 "Rich Will" [Nick Drake] 3:01
11 intro 0:34
12 "Friendship" 4:18
13 The Ketchup Advisory Board 3:20
14 intro 0:33
15 I'm With Her 4:08
16 "Marching to Zion" > outro 5:47
Part 2 51:33 minutes
17 Greetings 7:52
18 intro 1:14
19 "Brownie and Pete" 3:11
20 intro 0:20
21 Rich Dworsky: instrumental 2:26
22 intro 0:38
23 (Every time we say goodbye I cry a little) 3:12
24 The News from Lake Woebegone 17:06
25 - 3:08
26 Garrison Keillor and Fred Newman 9:18
27 outro 1:35
28 "The Next Time I'm Around" 1:25
Garrison Keillor: vocals, piano and narration
Heather Masse, vocals
I'm With Her:
- Sara Watkins, vocals
- Sarah Jarosz, vocals
- Aoife O�Donovan, vocals
Christine DiGiallonardo, vocals
Richard Dworsky: piano and musical Director
Chris Siebold: guitars
Richard Kriehn: mandolin and fiddle
Larry Kohut: bass
Bernie Dresel: drums
HD over FM broadcast;
HD-FM tuner>PC>stereo 16-bit 44.1 kbps WAV>
tracked and edited in audio editor>WAVs>
SBEs repaired, checksum files
and FLAC-8 files created in Trader's Little Helper
A zootype project July 2016
Garrison Keillor leaves his 'Prairie Home' after 42 years
by Bryan Alexander,
7:16 p.m. EDT July 2, 2016
LOS ANGELES � Garrison Keillor used his introduction to the showtune Friendship to give a brief but telling explanation for why he has devoted himself to the radio variety show A Prairie Home Companion for the past 42 years.
"Friendship, I believe in that," the self-effacing Keillor, 73, told the crowd at Hollywood Bowl Friday night. "That was the whole reason for starting a radio show � it was to get to meet people if you had no social skills. And people would walk up to you and say, 'I heard you on the radio.' This was the beginning of a conversation that would lead in all sorts of interesting directions."
Keillor's decades-spanning conversation came to an end as he performed his final Prairie Home in front of a packed house of 18,000 fans for a show that aired Saturday.
Fittingly, this final conversation led in all sorts of interesting directions, too.
Prairie Home is normally performed live to radio, but Keillor said the pre-taping was necessary because the Southern California summer sun "does not allow matinees." He mentioned offhand that President Obama had called for a "little conversation" before the taping, which was heard only on the Saturday broadcast.
The "first-ever last show" was devoid of sentimentality as the proud Minnesotan incorporated duets with five favorite singing partners: Christine DiGiallonardo, Sarah Jarosz, Heather Masse, Aoife O�Donovan and Sara Watkins.
Keillor's own song Stories set the tone for humor and farewell with the refrain, "I never will forget those Saturdays."
"I was lucky to have the employment go on for 42 years, I never got fired, because I am the boss. And I had no regrets because of memory loss," Keillor sang. "And suddenly the day becomes the past. Four decades, and it went by so fast."
As a tearful Masse took the stage to sing Everytime We Say Goodbye with Keillor, he cracked, "Are you trying to make us cry?"
"We're going to miss you," said Masse. "I'm going to miss President Obama, that's what I'll miss," Keillor deflected.
Later, when the usual Prairie Home stage performers (Fred Newman, Tim Russell and Sue Scott) peppered Keillor with questions of how he felt about leaving, he said, "It feels like something ends and something else is about to happen."
Prairie Home continues in October with a new host, Nickel Creek's Chris Thile. Keillor will serve as a producer and is working on his memoirs as well as a movie screenplay.
He ended Friday's taping with a stage full of performers singing Next Time I'm in Town with the line, "There's one thing I promise you, that's another rendezvous, next time I'm in town." Keillor offered a simple wave of his hand and said, "Thank you, everybody, goodnight," as he walked off stage.
He returned for an encore, urging the crowd to sing an idiosyncratic medley of Goodnight Ladies that segued into Goodnight Irene, Happy Trails, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Can't Help Falling in Love, The Parting Glass and ended with the gospel song Amen.
For the final Amen refrain, Keillor lifted his hands silently and let the audience sing him off.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: