August 2, 1997
Alpine Valley Ampitheater - East Troy, WI
"Horde Festival"
01. Groundhog's Day
02. To Defy the Laws of Tradition
03. Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
04. Damn Blue Collar Tweekers
05. My Name is Mud
06. Golden Boy
07. Jerry was a Racecar Driver
08. Shake Hands with Beef
09. Seas of Cheese
10. Over the Falls
11. Pudding Time
12. Tommy the Cat > Awakening > Tommy the Cat
***********************First note i got:
(I'm not 100% postitive this is a pure sbd sourced recording. Listen for yourself and you be the judge.)
***********************New info from the taper (sewertrout07):
not soundboard this is a 2nd row recording source by me. pzm>da-p1 >d7
source is da-p1 > d7 analoog clone > ???
good set!
THANKS! sewertrout07
************************************************ More info by cpscps:
the 'dap1 > d7 analoog clone' is sourced from my dat. we copied the master with rca>mini cable while driving home from the festival and enroute to burger king.
thanks mr sewertrout! and thanks to Shayne for loaning me his d7!
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