Date: 02/09/2012
City: New York, NY
Venue: Gramercy Theater
Band Lineup:

Les Claypool - Bass, Larry LaLonde - Guitar, Jay Lane - Drums

Source Neumann KM 140 -> AETA PSP2 -> Microtrack II
1st row DFC Balcony

Taped and tracked by Stephen Hussong AKA Chop!
Tracked using Sony Sound Forge 8.0

Flac'ed & uploaded by iamhammered AKA BIGT
Flac'ed using xACT 2.15


Set I:
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
Moron TV
Frizzle Fry
Eternal Consumption Engine
The Toys Go Winding Down
Tommy the Cat

Set II:
Prelude to a Crawl
Hennepin Crawler
Golden Boy
Mr. Knowitall
Seas of Cheese
Jilly's on Smack
The Pressman
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
My Name is Mud

Lee Van Cleef
John the Fisherman