Primus & the Chocolate Factory
Monday September 14th 2015
Malkin Bowl/Stanley Park
Vancouver BC Canada
Taper: LeifH
Source 1: CA-11 (cardioid) > CA-Bat2B > Zoom H1 @ 24/48 > Scandisk 16GB microSD card
Transfer: Memory card > PC via USB > Wavepad Master's Edition (edits, amplify, tracking, downsample to 16/44.1) > flac (8) via Frontend
Set I: 1:02:10
00 intro
01 American Life (aborted)
02 Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
03 Last Salmon Man
04 Groundhog's Day
05 The Toys Go Winding Down
06 Frizzle Fry
07 Over the Falls
08 Lee Van Cleef
09 My Name is Mud
10 Jerry Was a Race Car Driver
Set II: 1:13:39
11 Hello Wonkites
12 Candy Man
13 Cheer Up Charlie
14 Golden Ticket
15 Lermaninoff
16 Pure Imagination
17 Oompa Augustus
18 Semi-Wondrous Boat Ride
19 Oompa Violet
20 I Want It Now
21 Oompa Veruca
22 Wonkamobile, Wonkavision
23 Oompa TV
24 Farewell Wonkites
25 Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
26 Duchess and the Provervial Mind Spread
27 Here Comes the Bastards
My 22nd Primus show. There was a chance of rain this day but thankfully the sun came out in the afternoon and made for great weather. The Malkin Bowl is based on the Hollywood Bowl, but a scaled down version. There were a lot more children in the crowd than usual, which has been the trend with the Chocolate Factory tour. I brought two recorders and two sets of mics, plus a heavy camera which I used to film the entire show.
The show began with Les playing American Life, which was aborted after 15 seconds. Les said, "You know what? Let's kick this sucker off," and he began playing Wynona's Big Brown Beaver instead. The gates to the show opened at 5:30, and the show started around 7:00. There was still a lot of empty space at the beginning but that quickly filled up after a couple songs. When the first set began, it was nearing dusk, and by the end it was dark.
During Over The Falls, Les says sarcastically that, "it doesn't smell anything like marijuana in this facility...this is the least amount of marijuana I've ever smelled...we don't even have a smoke machine up here...unless Ler's barbecuing ribs over on his side of the stage." Mike Dillon's birthday was the following day, so there was talk of that. Les said, "Ler was going to play Happy Birthday, but Michael Jackson owns the copyright to that and fuck that guy." It was also Ler's birthday on Saturday.
This was the 5th Wonka show I saw and the material has grown on me a lot since the first one. Still, I'm glad this is the last leg of the tour and hope the band can bring something new to the table relatively soon, or at least bring out some more rare songs like they were doing on the 3D tour.
I've never seen Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers as an encore. Duchess And The Proverbial Mind Spread and Here Come The Bastards featured the Fungi Ensemble, as with the second set of course. During Here Come The Bastards, the visuals show an Oompa Loompa going to landmarks specific to the city they're playing, and trying on a sports team jersey.
I saw the Edmonton show a couple days earlier and ended up on the same flight back to Vancouver as Tim and Ler (and Brad). I suggested to Tim that he bring back The 'Ol Diamond Back Sturgeon, to which he said, "Yeah we never touch that one."
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
PrimusAndTheChocolateFactory2015-09-14StanleyParkVancouverCanada (8).jpg
PrimusAndTheChocolateFactory2015-09-14StanleyParkVancouverCanada (9).jpg