Schaefer Music Festival
Central Park, NYC
30 July 1969 (late show)
feat. Matthew Fisher, Rob Trower.
"And so it was ..."
** 40 years ago **

Shine On Brightly
Quite Rightly So
Juicy John Pink
Devil Came From Kansas
Salad Days (Are Here Again)
Skip Softly (My Moonbeams)
A Salty Dog (cut)
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Cerdes (Outside The Gates Of)
Repent Walpurgis

total time 55mins. 57 secs.

Gary Brooker - voice & piano
Matthew Fisher - Hammond organ
Robin Trower - guitars
David Knights - bass
BJ Wilson - drums

sound samples and covers by regalzonophone
rz 073069

It is very probably that an earlier generation of this recording exists.
Please offer to upgrade this recording if you can.

your comments always welcome and appreciated.
Please contact me if you have Procol recordings that you think may be of interest.
Preserve the quality; please do not convert to MP3 or other lossy formats except for personal use.

Best wishes to Gary Brooker for a speedy recovery from his recent injury!
"No lofty peak, nor fortress bold, could match our captain's eye."
details here:

There's too many torrents and not enough time. but ...

S H I N E O N ! ! !