Amager Bio
Copenhagen, Denmark
18 March 2005 (incomplete)
ex aud/great show!
"And so it was ..."
** 4 years ago today **

Dedicated to BJ Wilson, born on this date, 18 March 1947.

1- Something Following Me
2- Alpha
3- Shadow Boxed
4- Conquistador
5- In Held 'Twas in I
6- A Salty Dog
7- Repent Walpurgis
8- A Whiter Shade of Pale

total time 58 mins. 36 secs.

Gary Brooker-- voice & piano
Geoff Whitehorn-- guitar
Josh Phillips-- Hammond organ
Matt Pegg-- bass, narration (track 5)
Mark Brzezicki-- drums

sound samples and covers by regalzonophone
rz 031805

comments: This is a personal favorite. Really nice sound and fantastic setlist:
* The VIP Room
* Homburg
* Toujours l'Amour
* Luskus Delph
* Shine on Brightly
* An Old English Dream
(tracks marked * not included)

1- Something Following Me
2- Alpha
3- Shadow Boxed
4- Conquistador
5- In Held 'Twas in I
6- A Salty Dog
7- Repent Walpurgis
8- A Whiter Shade of Pale

The taper and his friend attended the soundcheck and returned to their hotel prior to the show.
Later, when returning for the performance, the two got lost trying to find the venue again, and
missed the first 6 songs. This lost portion is something that I really would have liked to have.
Nevertheless, we still have a newly worked out "Something Following Me", a killer "Alpha", a complete
"In Held" and a "Repent" with Josh at the Hammond (maestro Whitehorn steals this one).
Matt Pegg narrates the second verse of "In Held" --- in front of a microphone that apparently was not working.
Allen 'One-Eye' Edelist reported to BtP "his voice is very 'Reid'". Indeed, I thought it was the Keith
the first heard the recording. In his report to BtP, Allen wrote "One of my favourite gigs". I agree.
This is a personal favorite for me too. Read Allen's full report on this show here:
Finally, this reocording is a testament to the timelessness of Procol's music---of the 14 songs performed,
9 songs were written during the 1967-1969 period! All of them sound just a good today as they did 40 years ago.

your comments always welcome and appreciated.
Please contact me if you have Procol recordings that you think may be of interest.
Please offer to upgrade my recordings where possible.
Preserve the quality; please do not convert to MP3 or other lossy formats except for personal use.

There's too many torrents and not enough time. but ...

S H I N E O N ! ! !