Jones Beach, NY
27 Aug.1993
feat. "The Last Train to Niagara"
"And so it was ..."
** 16 years ago today **

~ LIsten to the sound samples ~

1 The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
2 Simple Sister
3 The King of Hearts
4 The Truth Won't Fade Away
5 A Salty Dog
6 The Last Train to Niagara
7 Conquistador
8 A Whiter Shade of Pale

total time 44:26

Gary Brooker - voice & piano
Matthew Fisher - Hammond organ
Geoff Whitehorn - guitar
Matt Pegg - bass
Ian Wallace - drums

sound samples and covers by regalzonophone
rz 082793

Grade C aud. recording for serious fans and completists.
Note: I am planning to upload another better sounding recording
with similar set-list later next month.

Your comments always welcome and appreciated.
Please contact me if you have Procol recordings that you think may be of interest.
Please offer to upgrade my recordings where possible.
Preserve the quality; please do not convert to MP3 or other lossy formats except for personal use.

There's too many torrents and not enough time. but ...

S H I N E O N ! ! !