Title: Progressive Nation in Toronto
Bands: Scale the Summit, BigElf, Zappa Plays Zappa and Dream Theater
Date: August 14, 2009, 6:00-11:00 PM
Venue: the Molson Amphitheatre, Toronto Ontario Canada
Taper/seeder: jmz93
Lineage: DPA 4061's > preamp > R-09HR at 24/96 > Sound Forge 6.0 > resample/dither > FLAC
Set 1: Scale the Summit
(fade in)
01 - City In the Sky (05:43.181)
02 - Sargasso Sea (05:26.791)
Total: 11:09.972
You may wish to combine this with:
Set 2: BigElf
(fade in)
01 - The Evils of Rock and Roll (07:16.600)
02 - Neuropsychopathic Eye (05:30.348)
03 - Hydra (08:06.723)
04 - Bats in the Belfry I (08:01.241)
05 - Money Machine (08:14.668)
Total: 37:09.582
Set 3: Zappa Plays Zappa
(fade in)
01 - intro (01:18.812)
02 - Purple Lagoon (01:46.791)
03 - Zomby Woof (06:14.677)
04 - Montana (06:38.926)
05 - Village of the Sun (03:05.878)
06 - Echidna's Arf (of You) > Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? (14:02.815)
07 - My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama (03:17.790)
08 - Inca Roads (13:14.919)
09 - Pound For A Brown (16:14.685)
10 - Bobby Brown (Goes Down), featuring Mike Portnoy on vocals (02:57.627)
11 - Willy the Pimp (05:18.278)
Total: 01:14:11.202
Set 4: Dream Theater
(fade in)
01 - A Nightmare to Remember (16:07.133)
02 - A Rite of Passage (09:15.939)
03 - Petrucci solo > Hollow Years > Rudess solo (13:58.363)
04 - Erotomania > Voices (16:15.983)
05 - Foresaken (05:45.491)
06 - Take the Time (11:50.001)
07 - The Camera Eye (10:26.321)
08 - The Count of Tuscany (19:57.456)
Total: 01:43:36.690
("The Camera Eye" is a Rush cover)
Bigelf are:
Damon Fox (vocals/keyboard)
Ace Mark (guitar)
Duffy Snowhill (bass)
Froth (drums)
Scale the Summit are:
Chris Letchford (8-string guitar)
Jordan Eberhardt (bass)
Pat Skeffington (drums)
Travis Levrier (7-string guitar)
Zappa Plays Zappa are:
Dweezil Zappa (guitar and vocals)
Scheila Gonzalez (vocals, saxes, flute, keyboards)
Pete Griffin (bass)
Billy Hulting (marimba and percussion)
Jamie Kime (guitar)
Joe Travers (drums and vocals)
Ben Thomas (lead vocals)
Dream Theater are:
John Myung (bass)
Jordan Rudess (keyboards)
Mike Portnoy (drums)
James LaBrie (vocals)
John Petrucci (guitar)
1. Taping Position: Level 100, Section 103, Row G, Seat 10. (7th row floor, closer to the left stack)
2. I couldn't get my equipment together and running until I was inside the venue, so I was unable to capture the first few Scale The Summit tunes. Sorry.
3. The following editing was done to this recording.
a. Sound Forge's Click and Crackle Remover was used to sparingly lower louder applause. Too bad Sound Forge does not have a "WOOHOO!" filter for the guy to my right.
b. Levels of bass were excessive, so I lowered everything below 120HZ by amounts ranging from 3 to 6DB, depending on each band's sound.
c. Some general overall compression was used to bring the levels up.
d. About a minute of the crowd calling for an encore was removed from the Dream Theater set.
e. Some highs around 13KHZ and up were boosted during Dream Theater's set, mostly because of the increased number of humans between the taper and PA. Those carbon-based life forms really do suck up the highs!
f. Note about loud conversation before "Take the Time" in Dream Theater's set: Your ever-faithful recordist happens to be blind; so the fact that he is not looking at anything in particular or jumping around sometimes worries other concert-goers, who assume he must be stoned, wasted, or otherwise fucked up. This doesn't seem to happen at jazz or other concerts, just metal ones. I apologize for leaving this chatter in, but I couldn't remove it without also removing part of the beginning of "Take the Time".
g. track splits, dither, resample to 44.1KHZ, fades, FLAC.