Project Object
M.T. Muggs
Glens Falls, New York
November 4, 1999
Master Soundboard Recorded By Fitzy, Transfer By Keo!
Soundboard > Sony D5, Tapes: TDK MA 110, Maxell MX-S 90
Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz
Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate V.3.0.4 To 32/96 kHz Wave
Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper
Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
Set/Act 1:
01...Mammy Nun (Cuts In) > Band Intro's > Mammy Nun
02.Magic Fingers
03.Son Of Orange County >
04.More Trouble Every Day >
05.Filthy Habits
06.Carolina Hard-Core Ecstasy
07.Chunga's Revenge
08.Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me ? >
09.Cruisin' For Burgers (Tape Flip After Song)
10.Love Of My Life
11.Hungry Freak's Daddy
12.Society Pages >
13.I'm A Beautiful Guy >
14.Beauty Knows No Pain >
15.Charlie's Enormous Mouth >
16.Any Downers >
17.Cosmik Debris, Set Break
Set/Act 2:
19.Mr. Green Genes
20.Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
21.Hungry Freak's Daddy
22.Cruisin' For Burgers
23.The Duke Of Prunes
24.Dumb All Over >
25.San Ber'dino
26.Baby Snakes
27.Keep It Greasey.. (Tape Flip/Cuts Out)
28...Outside Now (Cuts In)
29.Peaches En Regalia >
30.Muffin Man
Ike Willis - Guitar, Vocals
Andre Cholmondeley - Guitar, Vocals
Rick Bartow - Bass
Mighty Mumbo - Drums, Percussion, Keyboards, Background Vocals
Wes Paich - Drums, Percussion, Keyboards, Background Vocals
Robbie "Seahag" Mangano - Guitar, Background vocals
Comments:Another Huge Thanks out to Fitzy
for recording and sharing his source for
this show!There are a few missing pieces
of music from tape flips and at the start
of the show, tracking may be a bit off as
well on a few songs. Still all and all
another excellent share from the Fitzy
collection of masters and the Project
Object's later 1999 shows!!!!!
AS ALWAYS ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: