Pussy Galore
Dr�hnland, N�rnberg, Germany
November - 30 - 1988

from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 552

Rec. Info:
SONY D6 + AIWA CM 30 Mic -> mastertape -> transfer via Nakamichi tapedeck DR3 -> wav-file -> wetransfer -> Magix Music Cleaning Lab (edit) -> FLAC -> DIME
Very good sounding recording, no EQ was done.

Short but intensive noise attack from the Washington D.C. band. Even if they came from the punk/garage scene of this area their sound
has nothing to do with the other WDC origined garage veterans Slickee Boys. This is another great master from SEETHEFUZZ7.

no setlist (tape length 38:02)
no line-up

Support the artists, go to their shows, buy their albums.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. Don't ever sell!

Uploaded to DIME by Stacheleber 2013/12/14