Pygmy Twylyte - 2024-07-19 Bad Doberan Germany 131.52 SBD MC (Pittylabelle)
Live concert:
Zappanale #33
19. - 21. July 2024
Pygmy Twylyte (SCO)
Date: Friday, 2024 07 19 | Start: 22:00
Location: MainStage, Galopprennbahn, Bad Doberan, Germany, Baltic Sea
MC/Moderator: Jim Cohen & Klaus Schnabel-Koeplin
Source: Live webstream from http://www.Rockradio.de SBD source (lossy)
Some live pictures included
Jim Macdonald - vocals
Chris Shaw - guitar, vocals
Ben Tyson - keyboards
Hebe James - soprano sax, vocals
Paddy Hare - alto sax, trombone
Steve Kettley - tenor sax
Jon Shaw - bass, vocals
Euan McPherson - drums
01 Rockradio Intro [01:03]
02 Introduction by Radio Moderator [05:26]
03 Introduction by MC Jim Cohen [01:10]
04 Intro [01:01] °°° "G-Spot Tornado" from tape
05 Florentine Pogen [04:52]
06 Penguin In Bondage [05:43]
07 My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama [04:26]
08 Preamble [00:59]
09 The Gumbo Variations [10:48]
10 Son Of Orange County [05:15]
11 More Trouble Every Day [05:47]
12 Preamble [01:47]
13 The Torture Never Stops [17:42]
14 Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel [04:11]
15 Preamble [01:04]
16 Carolina Hard-Core Ecstasy [07:03]
17 Band Introduction [01:38]
18 Teen-age Prostitute [02:42]
19 Preamble [03:13]
20 Advance Romance [06:56]
21 Black Napkins [14:19]
22 Preamble [01:27]
23 City Of Tiny Lites [07:41]
24 Preamble [01:10]
25 Yo' Mama [12:02]
26 Closing Words by Pygmy Twylyte [01:20]
27 Closing Words by MC Jim Cohen [00:55]
Total time: 131.52 min
Wenn es in diesem Sommer eine Sache gibt, die garantiert werden kann, dann ist es, dass jedes Mitglied der schottischen Pygmy Twylyte am Freitagabend die Zappanale-Bühne mit einem breiten Grinsen betreten wird.
Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2018 hat Pygmy Twylyte ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der originalgetreuen Interpretation der Kompositionen von FZ und der Einbeziehung der eigenen musikalischen Persönlichkeit der Band gefunden. Das Leitbild der Band ist heute dasselbe wie am ersten Tag: Gib Dein Bestes, um die Musik von FZ aufzuführen, und stelle sicher, dass das Publikum genauso viel Spaß hat wie die Band!
Mit Gitarren, Keyboards, Saxophonen und mehreren Sängern als Teil einer achtköpfigen Besetzung hat die Band einen (Stink-)Fuß im Lager einiger der denkwürdigsten Tourbesetzungen von Zappa.
Macht Euch auf den Weg, um zu rockigen Nummern zu nicken, verliert bei jazzigen Einlagen den Überblick (schließlich ist er nicht tot – er riecht nur komisch) und weicht dem berüchtigten Frunobulax aus! Erwartet eine Menge klassisches FZ-Material, mit einigen exotischeren Nummern als Zugabe!
Die Band wird die Zeit ihres Lebens haben. Kommt doch einfach mit!
Zappanale, 2024
If there's one thing that can be guaranteed this summer, it's that every member of Scotland's Pygmy Twylyte will take to the Zappanale stage on Friday night with a huge grin.
Since forming in 2018, Pygmy Twylyte has struck a balance between faithfully interpreting FZ's compositions and incorporating the band's own musical personality. The band's mission statement is the same today as it was on day one: do your best to perform FZ's music and make sure the audience has as much fun as the band!
With guitars, keyboards, saxophones and multiple vocalists as part of an eight-piece lineup, the band has a (stinky) foot in the camp of some of Zappa's most memorable touring lineups.
Get ready to nod along to rocking numbers, lose your mind during jazzy interludes (after all, he's not dead - he just smells funny) and dodge the infamous frunobulax! Expect a lot of classic FZ material, with some more exotic numbers thrown in for good measure!
The band will have the time of their lives. Just come along!
Zappanale, 2024
"We hope that the UMTS stream will be stable, because we are broadcasting here again from "god's free field" - but we have no influence about the UMTS stream itself. But that's LIVE."
Anyway, the stream WAS indead very stable for this show.
No audio restoration was necessary.
Pittylabelle, 25 July 2024
Lineage capturing live webstream (2024 07 19, Pittylabelle):
-> VLC media player: Native UMTS webstream capturing, MP3, Bit rate: 320 kbps / Sample rate: 44.1 kHz
Lineage editing (2022 07 25, Pittylabelle):
-> Editing: Sound Forge Pro 13.0: Converted to WAV-File 16 Bit / 44.1 kHz, Track editing, Volume adjustments
-> Coding: TLH, Align on sector boundaries (Level 8): WAV to FLAC conversion
-> Tagging: Mp3tag: Tagged to Zappateers standards
To preserve the sound of the original recording as well as possible:
NO fade-in or -out, NO track normalisation, NO soundfilter!
In short: There is no material left out!
Seeded by Pittylabelle, for http://www.dimeadozen.org / 2024 07 25
Brought to you by Pittylabelle - Enjoy!
Please do convert to MP3!
Support the artist - go to concerts - buy the records.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: