Freak Valley Festival 2013
AWO Park, Netphen, Germany
June - 01 - 2013
Third day / Act #4 (15:55 -> 16:40)
A RENDEL recording
Rec Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Magix music lab (edit/remaster) -> TLH8 -> flac -> SDcard -> my HD -> added txt file/md5 sums -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear taper friend RENDEL at 2nd row dead center. Almost no disturbing chatter ect. audible. Taperpolice was there,as BLUESHACKS, MIROH and the BANDIT provided security.
A very fine recording from a great band, indeed.
First of all I'd like to express my deepest thanks to all those organizers/volunteers/security people who made this second edition of FREAK VALLEY possible. Thank you very very much,
as last year, despite the difficult weather conditions, it was a place felt like home. Also, a big thanks to the entrance guy who let us park/sleep on the usual ground, just a mere 100
meters walk to the stage. Refreshing "batteries" between acts is a very important thing. And the four of our gang did not leave a ciggy trace there on sundaze morning.
Second thanks to my taping buddies, BLUESHACKS and MIROH, for lifting the burden of ongoing taping day for day from me. YOU both guys did the really hard work, whereas me poor little
soul just managed to do a few of the acts. I wasn't in really good condition, but was I really ever into that? So, when the water went dry (a joke I shouldn't do, regarding the flood
desaster in southern/easter Germany, or Czechia/Poland), there was a great friend of mine, Mr. RENDEL to his advanced service. Hands down, he might give you the best tapes from this.
Oh, well, on a personal note: This festival was visited by a mostly younger crowd, and all the tapers there were at least 44+ in age. Hmmm...that's me. Hmmm...???
NO MORE LIVE TAPING ANYMORE ONE DAY? What's up? Go and see, get your gear and TAPE. TAPE! TAPE!
So, dear fellow explorers of the outer realms of the universe, we go on with band #4 from the final day at lovely FREAK VALLEY FESTIVAL 2013. These guys surely ain't no pussies, as
they drove all the way from Alicante, Espa�a, just for this show and next day's show in Antwerp. So, some 2000 kms one way only! El respeto, el amor a mis amigos espa�oles!
But what about the music? There is surely some Stoner Rock influence woven into their sound, but even more it's as well formidable influenced by the SpaceRock genre ranging from
Hawkwind to Ozric Tentacles, as well as a good dose of psychedelia a la early to mid Pink Floyd. The only pity about this mighty great show is the running time. Given an afternoon slot,
there's a mere 40 mins from them. Unlikely, given the fact, that most of their tracks surpass the 10 min. mark. If you wanna have a real close encounter with their sound, go ahead and
order their albums, as I did...Great music which needs to be discovered...SB.
FULL SHOW (46:11 min.)
01. Soundcheck (6:04)
02. Intro by Volker (0:24)
03. Altar of the delusion world (4:42)
04. Black land (9:24)
05. Sons of light (6:17)
06. Tempel Iaru (9:40)
07. Dawn in space (9:40)
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use!
If you sell...go fucking straight to hell!
Oscar Soler vocals, guitar
Miguel Rodes bass
Miguel Angel Sanz guitar, synth
Lluis Mas drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/07/02.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: