Queens of the Stone Age
Raleigh Memorial Auditorium
Raleigh, NC
16bit version
Taped by Wright S. aka rollwnirvana- from the 5th row approx. 30ft. in front of left stack.
Zoom H4n(wav)> SD card> PC> Final Cut Pro(for track splitting and editing)>dataDVD(back to me)>
I then used dBpoweramp R15 to convert the wav to flac5 and resample/dither to 16bit/44.1kHz
Track splitting and some editing done by L.P. Hanners
01. intro
02. You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire
03. No One Knows
04. My God is the Sun
05. Burn the Witch
06. Smooth Sailing
07. Monsters in the Parasol
08. I Sat By the Ocean
09. �Like Clockwork
10. Turnin' on the Screw
11. If I Had a Tail
12. Kalopsia
13. Little Sister
14. Fairweather Friends
15. Make it wit Chu
16. Sick, Sick, Sick
17. Better Living Through Chemistry
18. Go with the Flow
19. encore break
18. The Vampyre of Time and Memory
19. Feel Good Hit of the Summer
20. A Song for the Dead
Notes: I did have to adjust the volume at first because they were much, much louder than the opening band.
I recorded it at 24bit/96kHz in wav. Thanks goes out to my friend L.P. Hanners for mastering this for me.
Please share only in lossless form. Do not sell this recording- trade it freely
For personal use, do what you want.
Enjoy either way
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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