Quintron & Miss Pussycat - 2023 07 01 Mosswood Park, Oakland SF
Show note:
Field Stage. If someone forced me to describe this band, it would be imagine if LCD Soundsystem was from Louisiana, used a baseball organ instead of standard synths, and had puppet shows during their gigs. Another one of those "I'm not sure what I am watching, but I think I like it" bands that Mosswood has. Not sure if track 3 is the correct title or not. There's a lot more in Come Sail Away - not sure if they were covers or originals, but it turns into a mash-up.
1 John Waters intro
2 You Made It Weird
3 Everyone Needs to be Steve
4 Buc-ee’s Got a Problem
5 Ring the Alarm
6 Weaver Wear
7 The Mouth Of Harahan
8 Jamskate
9 Come Sail Away [Styx]
Line-Up Day 1
Le Tigre - 8:30pm - Field Stage
Twompsax - 7:15pm - Amphitheatre
ESG - 6pm - Field Stage
The Rondelles - 5pm - Amphitheatre
Quintron & Ms. Pussycat - 4pm - Field Stage
Tina & the Total Babes - 3pm - Amphitheatre
The's - 2pm - Field Stage
Morgan & the Organ Donors - 1:20pm - Amphitheatre
Cumgirl8 - 12:40pm - Amphitheatre
Memo PST - noon - Amphitheatre
Taper: loughney
Location: center stage, 20 feet back.
Lineage: Schoeps MK4 > BabyNBox > Sony A10 > WAV (44.1/24) > SoundForge (Fades, volume normalization) > CDWAVE (splits) > FLAC
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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