please consign this info-sheet with the shared music - thanks !
- May 26, 2007 -
Glitterhouse Garden, Beverungen, Germany
-- REMASTERED "dbtr" Edirol R-1 SBD, MWM 0279 --
"Top Canadian songstress and slide guitarist"
!BEAUTIFUL! GET IT! w/ samples
Preliminary remark:
Rachelle and her band played as first band on this Saturday, during lunchtime.
And she used her own, very special microphone - together with a Shure SM58 on
another stand (check the photo section added in a separate folder...). And as it
has been written in her other torrents, her mike is a fountain of pure pleasure.
The sound engineer tried to do his best to fix some of the problem, creating now
some volume fluctuations in the third song. So a decent repair was necessary,
together with a complete remaster - mainly to reduce the drums and to elevate
the overall recording volume - the master was a bit too low-keyed...
Read more in the following description & check the samples !
"Every time I see Rachelle play,
I see audiences cheering,
I see other musicians looking on in admiration,
and I see music industry folks making a note
to remember the date and time they first encountered
this gifted and charismatic performer."
- Chris White, Artistic Director, Ottawa Folk Festival
I saw Rachelle van Zanten (a young female guitar player from Canada,
who formerly was in the canadian band "PAINTING DAISIES") the first
time in my life last year at the Glitterhouse "Orange Blossom Festival"
in Beverungen, where she and her band introduced the then new CD
"Back to Francois".
I was so impressed, that I tried to convince my friend Leonard to
bring her to Berlin (which wasn't a hard job after he listened to
Rachelle's music). A recording is available here:
Anyway, if you (like me) like the sound of a whipped slide guitar AND
beautiful melodies strummed on the acoustic guitar AND a great voice,
give this "girl" a listen.
I bet, you will not regret this.
So go out & see her & tell her where you heard of her.
It's a "down-by-the-river production" with Leo-remastering - 'NUFF SAID !
if you're still beset BY DOUBTS,
please check the samples...or better:
all others - thanks for trusting me/us:
RACHELLE VAN ZANTEN & Band (the name of the artists)
ORANGE BLOSSOM SPECIAL 11 (name of the festival)
Glitterhouse Garden (the outdoor venue)
Beverungen (the city)
Germany (the country)
May 26, 2007 (the date)
Beverungen lies in the Weser Uplands on the side of the Weser opposite Solling roughly
10 km south of H�xter in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. In parts of the eastern municipal
area near the river, the town has a share of the Weser Valley, and to the west the higher
Oberw�lder Land natural region. In Beverungen (main town), the river Bever empties into
the Weser. The name "Beverungun" is known from as early as the mid 9th century. This was
at first a noble estate with great landholdings, which soon developed into a village. About
1300, Bishop Bernhard of Paderborn began building work on the castle. The village was
granted town rights in 1417. For over 500 years thereafter, Beverungen was a farming town.
Today the population of roughly 14.000 people is spread over 12 town subdivisions.
In Beverungen, a shooting festival is held every other year. Every year at Whitsun, the
"Orange-Blossom-Special" � a music festival hosted by the local record label/mail order
company, Glitterhouse Records � is held. Some 2000 visitors attend from all over Europe.
as far as we know NONE of this torrent was used commercially...
the complete concert:
All songs by Rachelle van Zanten unless otherwise specified.
01. intro by host Rembert 0:33.45
02. Arnhem 3:39.66
03. Yah Yahs � 2:40.73
04. Got To Let Go � % 4:39.25
05. There Will Be None 4:09.62
06. Dirty Water � 3:54.66
07. The Cracks � 5:43.70
08. Take Me Right Back � 7:42.15
09. Don�t Leave Me Here 6:50.41
10. Down To California � 5:52.16
11. Travelling Riverside Blues [Robert Johnson, arr. by Jimmy Page, Robert Plant] � 10:44.47
12. Rusty Boy � -> final crowd noise 4:57.22
total: 61:29.23 minutes
the notes:
% -> tracks #02. #03. and #04. suffer a bit from known problems with Rachelle's special microphone,
a cool looking, kinda 50's style one. A microphone "needing some special love and more often a doctor",
so during track #04. the sound engineer tried his best to fix that problem, creating some severe volume
fluctuations - they have been repaired carefully in the remaster process, at least as good as possible...
PLEASE CHECK the "comment" section below for additional informations...screenshots and samples...
� -> from Rachelles's first solo CD: "Back to Francois" (2006)
� -> "Travelling Riverside Blues," sometimes called "Mudbone" or "Mud Bone," is a blues song written
and recorded 1937 in Dallas, Texas by the bluesman Robert Johnson. The song was made internationally
famous by the band Led Zeppelin, whose version of the song is most known to modern listeners and is
quite different from the original, and it is more a tribute to Robert Johnson than a straight cover.
Rachelle van Zanten - vocals, acoustic guitar
Hamish Tesco - bass
Graham Roby - drums & percussion
recorded by dbtr, soundboard to CompactFlash memory card
the recording & transfer:
The taper and mixing engineer dbtr cannot remember the brand of cables he
had used during this tour - definitely them expensive ones with 24 carat
fully golden connectors and thick twisted pure silver wires - and he even
won't remember exactly all his particular handholds in the final mix here.
Our dear buddy hanwaker usually always writes about "his" uploads
of other people's recordings: "Don't ask - I'm just the messenger !"
SBD > Edirol R-1 > PC > WaveLab4 [cutting & adjusting] >
> WinOnCD 5 [tracking] > flacfrontend [flac] > Server
and what lonetaper did (nearly nothing, as usual...) :
Server > VDSL2 Annex B > FRITZ!Box 7390 (what else ?) > LAN > "download" >
> self customised studio PC, Motherboard with new AMD Phenom� II X6 six-core processor 1090T,
clock speed 3,2 GHz, Serial ATA Interface > Exact Audio Copy (files check, transfer) > WAV files >
> actually 1TB Western Digital Harddisc with Thermaltake HD Cooler (EVER had a HardDisc burnout ??) >
> lonetaper's secret box of miracles # > Audacity 1.3 Beta (just viewing & listening...and the photo) >
> Traders Little Helper (SB aligned/level 6) > FLAC > Traders Little Helper (test align on sector
boundaries, test encoded audio files, show audio file details, etc.) > DIME
& as usual, the adding of the "BONUS"-folder ;-)
# Fully edited version of the show by MWM 2012
As you might have noticed in above "the notes", the "microphone problem",
mainly in track #04. with all following severe volume fluctuations has been
repaired carefully in the remaster process, at least as good as possible...
Any EQ'ing was very slight, using the BBE Sonic Maximizer especially to pull
the vocal & instrumental frequencies forward, together with some decrease of
the dominant drums - just a touch, to help balance it overall a bit better...
A boost (+4,25 dB in common) of the original recording volume was necessary,
in addition i accentuated just all the spoken passages inbetween the songs,
averagely +3,15 dB (with the same amount of digital hiss reduction), reduced
some of the instrumental plug ins, smoothed out some passages and balanced
the stereo channels, the right one averagely +0,55 dB...finally normalizing
everything together (NOT to the limit, be sure: there IS enough headroom left).
The only further addition to the files was a short fade-in and, at the end, a
fade-out - after the audience applause, so truly NO MUSIC was harmed or lost.
it sounds completely the way it was distinguishable
that noontime in this garden...IF NOT WAY BETTER ;-)
original "dbtr" notes:
a very big "THANK YOU" to Rachelle for:
- the allowance to tape the show
- for some splendid days.
this is a pure SBD, so you won�t hear very much from the audience.
***** Recorded in a taper friendly environment *****
** DO NOT SELL THIS RECORDING, feel free to give a copy to a friend **
**************** AND BUY THEIR RECORDS *******************
*********** and don�t forget to attend their concerts *************
****** If you don't do this, they may disappear from the stages ******
this upload here comes directly from the "Men With Microphones" archives.
if you want to know more about, check the old uploads...lotta stuff to read !
VERY SPECIAL THANKS, from the bottom of our hearts, to our
friend & fellow DIMEr dbtr for opening his incredible archive.
PLUS everyone involved @ OBS & Glitterhouse Records...
And if there's some interest, maybe there is MORE TO COME...
it just depends on YOUR demeanor, and lotta useful comments ;-)
Rachelle van Zanten interviewed by Katie Garibaldi:
"After listening to Led Zeppelin, I really got a sense of groove," she explains. "Then, after
listening to John Prine, Gillian Welch, and Joni Mitchell, I came to appreciate lyrical story-
telling, and how it can convey emotion�as well as getting what you believe in across to your
Q: Describe your technique.
I try to isolate myself from listening to other slide guitar players to a certain extent so that
I have my own sound. I use a lot of bass techniques such as hammer-ons and double hammer-ons with
both my hands, and I don't use a pick. I wear my slide on my middle finger�which I adopted from
Bonnie Raitt�and I use a banjo-picking style incorporated with bass-string slapping and a percussive
Q: What is your idea of ideal guitar tone?
I'm really, really fond of the high-mid frequency, sizzling Billy Gibbons thing. I call it my buzzsaw
slide sound, and I find this tone is easiest to achieve with vintage amps, old guitars, and heavy-gauge
Q: You're producing and directing Western Canada's first ever Rock Camp for Girls.
Yes. I designed a camp for young women aged ten through 16 that would allow them to be rock musicians
for five days. They write their own material, organize their own bands, and learn how to set up their
own gear. Vocal coaches, musicians, sound technicians, producers, and engineers give workshops on
everything that has to do with being a musician. It's very intense. Then, we prepare a final live
concert that's open to the public. Doing this has pretty much changed my life. From the first day I
started the camp last year, I quit everything but making music, because the girls were so inspirational.
Just seeing them go from being so nervous and intimidated on day one, and then blossoming into these
little rock stars by day five was so rewarding.
Q: Have you faced any challenges being a female slide guitarist?
Not really. For me, it works to my advantage. It's kind of like positive discrimination, because I'm a
very rare breed [laughs]. I think when I was first starting out, someone said, "Who the heck ever gave
her a slide?" But that just fueled the fire. I was unstoppable from then on. I was going to prove that
I could be a world-class player.
Rachelle Van Zanten: "Back To Francois" (2006)
Die Kanadierin Rachelle Van Zanten wuchs mit den T�nen von Bluegrass sowie Country auf und sang bereits
im Kindesalter zu der Musik von Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, Hank Williams Sr. und Johnny Cash. Mit dreizehn
Jahren beherrschte sie das Piano, Schlagzeug und Trompete, war aber trotz des traditionellen Backgrounds
von der Grunge-Welle in den Neunzigern so fasziniert, dass die Gitarre schnell zu ihrem Steckenpferd wurde.
Painting Daisies hie� die Band, welche Rachelle mit Daisy Blue Groff, Carolyn Fortowsky und Kim Gryba Mitte
der Neunziger gr�ndete und mit ihr vier Alben ver�ffentlichte.
Als Co-Frontfrau entwickelte sie einen ganz eigenen Stil, die Slide-Gitarre zu spielen und so z�gerte sie
nicht lange, nach dem Split der Band in 2005 ihr erstes Soloalbum aufzunehmen. "Back To Francois" hei�t es
und zeigt, wie viel Rachelle aus ihrer Kindheit mitgenommen hat und trotzdem erfrischend unprogrammatisch
klingt. Da sie im September die Popkomm-Messe in Berlin besuchen wird, ist es an der Zeit f�r einen kleinen
R�ckblick auf ein charmantes, herzerw�rmendes Album.
Traumhaftes Gitarren-Picking und stimmungsvolle, groovige Drums markieren anhand von "Take Me Right Back"
den ersten H�hepunkt des Longplayers. Verzerrte E-Gitarren und nat�rlich die Slide-Gitarre werden mit dem
vereinnahmenden, leicht psychedelisch ausufernden Gesang Rachelle Van Zantens verziert und sorgen f�r
pr�gnante Songwriting-Momente, die in der f�nfmin�tigen Extended-Version am besten zu bestaunen sind.
Melancholisch und im poppigen Folk geerdet ist das von zarten Streichern unterst�tzte und wunderbar
leidenschaftliche "I Will Be Numb", das entspannt zur�ckgelehnt wohlig den H�rer erreicht. Anders dagegen
das folgende "Suicide Ride": Dem Titel entsprechend schwimmt es in dunklen Gew�ssern, um neben entr�ckten
Gitarren-Jams durch zur�ckgenommene, spielerische Melodien f�r Hoffnungsschimmer zu sorgen.
Zwischen sonnigen, leichtf��igen Country/Folk-Songs und intensiven Blues-Ausfl�gen fehlt es nicht an
Spannung, denn die Kanadierin l�sst den H�rer sp�ren, wie lang sie schon tief in den herben Wurzeln der
authentischen Country-Musik verankert ist und welche Erfahrung sie sich mittlerweile im Songwriting
zugelegt hat. So ist "Back To Francois" ein Album, dass sich verwinkelt, doch nicht sperrig und
gleicherma�en locker seine Liebhaber erspielen wird.
PLEASE support the artist, visit her concerts
and buy all her available CDs & merchandise...
Check out the following websites:
More fantastic "dbtr" recordings on DIME - all shared by him or his friends:
Torrent #409886 BEN WEAVER trio - May 27, 2007 - OBS 11, Glitterhouse, Beverungen, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #402494 RACHELLE VAN ZANTEN (solo) - August 30, 2007 Berlin Guitars, Berlin, Germany (MTX)
Torrent #391880 Walkabouts 2012-01-23 Berlin-Germany-Lido (MTX)
Torrent #389408 US RAILS 2010-11-04 Woltersdorf [GER] Feuerwache (MTX)
Torrent #382191 BEN WEAVER trio - May 23, 2007 - Cafe Zapata, Berlin, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #379284 DOWNPILOT - 2006-05-30 - Cafe Zapata, Berlin, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #378250 Doghouse Roses - 2007-09-24 - Roter Salon, Berlin, GER [SBD]
Torrent #377986 Tom Gillam - Todd Thibaud Duo - 2008-12-10 - Berlin-Guitars, Berlin, GER [SBD]
Torrent #375979 Eric Taylor w/ Mathias Schneider - 2007-10-20 - Berlin Guitars, Berlin, Germany [SBD]
Torrent #375669 Eric Taylor w/ Mathias Schneider - 2009-09-18 - Alexanders Platz, Berlin, Germany [sbd/aud MTX]
Torrent #358558 the HUSSY HICKS - June 21, 2008 - Berlin Guitars, Berlin, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #356283 ELEVENTH DREAM DAY - April 02, 2007 - Quasimodo, Berlin, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #348532 the EPIPHANY PROJECT: BET WILLIAMS & JOHN HODIAN - March 06, 2008 - Osterkirche, Berlin (MATRIX)
Torrent #347444 AMERICAN MUSIC CLUB - March 04, 2008 - Columbia-Club, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #345224 Steve Wynn - Privatclub, Berlin, Germany - February 8th 2011 (MATRIX)
older ones, removed from DIME:
Torrent #356251 Joseph Parsons Band 2011-05-05 Feuerwache Woltersdorf/Berlin, GER (SBD)
Torrent #343040 TERRY LEE HALE & FINGERBONES - May 04, 2007 - Osterkirche, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #303637 BAND OF HEATHENS 2010-05-03 Kulturbrauerei (Maschinenhaus), Berlin (MATRIX)
Torrent #271111 BAND OF HEATHENS 2009-10-08 bonn(D) harmonie (sbd-aud matrix, a hanwaker mix)
Torrent #201661 Steve Wynn (solo) * 2008-03-18 * Berlin Guitars, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #197329 Willard Grant Conspiracy * 2007-09-24 * Roter Salon, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #192748 Rachelle van Zanten (Solo) * 2007-08-30 * Berlin Guitars, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #190547 JIM WHITE 2007-09-10 -berlin (D)-white trash- SBD- promo gig !
Torrent #187658 Mitch Ryder & Engerling * 2007-03-04 * Kulturgiesserei,Schoeneiche/Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #185276 Eleni Mandell & Band * 2007-03-21 * Quasimodo, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #180081 Vic Chesnutt & Band 2007-11-28 LIDO, Berlin, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #138353 Dan Bern (solo) * 2007-03-08 * Cafe Zapata, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #137089 Chris & Carla [WALKABOUTS] * 2007-02-25 * Cafe Zapata, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #130884 DOWNPILOT * 2006-05-30 * Cafe Zapata, Berlin, Germany (SBD)
Torrent #130593 IMPERIAL CROWNS * 2006-10-20 * Kulturgiesserei Schoeneiche/Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #122938 Transmissionary 6 * 2006-10-27 * Mudd Club, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #117698 Derek Trucks Band * 2005-11-06 * Jazzfest, Delphi Theater, Berlin (SBD)
Torrent #87920 Kevin Coyne and Band * 2003-09-13 * Schoeneiche/Berlin - Kulturgiesserei (SBD)
Torrent #84724 Mitch Ryder * 2004-02-29 * Schoeneiche/Berlin - Kulturgiesserei (SBD)
Torrent #84632 Mitch Ryder * 2006-02-26 * Schoeneiche/Berlin * Mitch�s birthday show (SBD)
still a damn lot more to come...
And please check also all our other uploads...BUT: BEWARE - LOTS OF TEXT TO READ
Dime allows alternative versions, I don't own the music, so I can't stop you, but
the correct thing to do amongst tapers/editors is TO ASK FIRST...(C. by scdegraaf)
open recorded, mastered, transferred and carefully stored by my friend dbtr (all thanks go to him...),
torrent completely remastered, prepared & upped on DIME by Leo, July 03, 2012. This is "MWM 00269"
please consign this info-sheet with the shared music - thanks !