Rachid Taha Stage 1
Botanic park Adelaide
Audience-soundboard matrix
Rachid Taha
Hakim Hamadouche : mandolute.
(other possible band members
Guillaume Rossel:drums,
Stephane Bertin :electric and acoustic guitar,
Sylvain Chopin-Bernard: keys
Annette Shun Wah introduction .
Walk on the Wildside
Zoom Sur Oum
Bent Sahra
Algerian Tango
Barra Barra
Ecoute-moi Camarade
its Now Or Never
Ya Rayah
Rock el Casbah
Voila Voila
Instrumental Rave Up
A mix of my audience tape and the online webcast hosted by an internet
I almost left the deck at home as they had advertised the show as being
broadcast online, but I figured I should take precautions as its been known
for these things to go wrong on the night - and so it proved. For whatever
reason, unlike all the other sets for Womad which were advertised to be
online as they happened, the webcast did not appear for some time and I
think it may have been due to the so so sound that dogged one or two
numbers, the sound man deciding to crank it up a little too loud. In fact
the soundboard is well and truly over cranked on the webcast in some parts-
so bad that its pretty hard to listen to.
So after a bit of smoothing out of the webcast and tweaking the audience
tape I've done a matrix and it brought out the best of both recordings -
for a start , you can here the call response sequences during "Camarade" ,
which are not present on the soundboard. This crowd was made up of fans,
people really responded and were respectful, into the music, not chatting
about what they were doing next week.
An awesome show by Rachid, who is so funny , crazy and driven onstage .
Wearing a purplish stove hat, shaking his booty, doing a torch song and
breaking into laughter in the middle of it , as well as going down on his
knees at the conclusion of the epic tale of drunkenness and lost love. No
cape on the shoulders but real James Brown stuff.
Delivering the Elvis standard -its Now Or Never- with gusto ( "I LOVE
Elvis Presley" ) and raising the roof with his version of Rock the Casbah
, Rachid is truly something to be witnessed. Live, he is fucking brilliant
and he has a totally kick arse band !
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP BB > Sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Mac Pro > Adobe
Audition ( remove excess applause , adjust levels and minor EQ > XACT SBE(
Stealth mode 4 metres back from stage centre, respectful audience .
the whole shebang was mixed, stirred ,cooked up and served up HOT on a flac
by Godzgolfball.
Don't sell it , share freely , buy the tickets and stack up on merchandise-
SUPPORT the artistes !
Above all- to get the best of a live show- listen to it LOUD !
Images by my good friend Dr Dark.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: