Rafael Martini
Savassi Jazz Fest
Belo Horizonte, MG
[Partial Set - missed the 3 or 4 first songs played in this concert]

Lineage: Oade Bros. binaural stereo hi-res micro-mics > Zoom H4n (WAV 24 bit 96 kHz) > Audacity > Track, Split, normalize, intro and applause > export as FLAC 96/24 > TLH > WAV > Cool Edit > Downsampling, dithering > WAV 44,100 Hz 16 Bit > TLH > Encode to FLAC 8 and align SBEs > FLAC CD-Ready (record it without gap between tracks)

Rafael Martini: Piano, voice and composer
Ant�nio Loureiro: Drums and voice
Joana Queiroz: Clarinet
Alexandre Andr�s: Flutes
Jonas Vitor - saxofone
Trigo Santana: Bass

[Four or three tracks not recorded]
03-Jos� no Jabour
04-Fine for now (Grizzly Bear cover)

33 min.