Rage Against the Machine
Glastonbury Festival
Take the Power Back
Fistful of Steel
Year of Tha Boomerang (early version)
Without a Face (early version)
Tire Me (featuring Dee from L7)
Killing in the Name
Know Your Enemy (featuring Maynard from Tool)
Bullet in the Head
Not included in this release due to official release:
Mindset's a Thread
The Narrows
Clear the Lane
Silver CD -> WAV -> FLAC (Easy CDDA Audio Extractor Audio File Format Converter)
I was told that this disk was originally bought in France in May of 1996.
I'm not sure what the actual recording info is because it is super clear, could be an audience though.
This is the only time they've had a guest on "Tire Me".
Either way, you don't see many recordings from 1994, so enjoy!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: