Railroad Earth @ The Waiting Room
Omaha, NE. 3-22-2017

Church audio mics 9'>Naiant Little Box>Sony PCM-M10
Behind sbd.

Set 1
1. 420
2. Bread And Water
3. When the Sun Gets in Your Blood
4. Been Down This Road
5. Colorado
6. Addin' My Voice
7. The Jupiter and the 119 ->
8. Cuckoo Medley
9. Walk Beside Me

Set 2 d2
1. Bird in the House
2. Dance around Molly>
3. Dandylion Wine
4. Good Life
5. Potters Field
6. Lonecroft Farewell
7. Only By The Light
8. Crossing the Gap
9. Pack a Day
10. Elko
11. Birds of America>
12. Face w/ a Hole
13. All That's Dead May Live Again
14. E/ Cold Water