Railroad Earth
August 17, 2017 - Thursday
Madrid Theatre, Kansas City, MO
Set I:
01. Intro
02. Elko
03. Dandelion Wine
04. Only by the Light
05. Mighty River
06. Raven's Child
07. The Hunting Song >
08. 1759
09. Butterfly & The Tree
Set II:
10. Been Down This Road
11. Blazin' a Trail
12. Captain Nowhere >
13. 12 Wolves
14. For Love
15. Like A Buddha
16. Chasin' a Rainbow
17. break
18. E: Bird in a House
19. Outro
Source: AT-853s/Hypers > STC-9200(+30db) > DR-2D(Line) > WAV(24bit/48khz) > Audacity(amplified, dithered/resampled) > WAV(16bit/44.1khz) > CD Wave Editor(tracked) > FLAC8(TLH) > Foobar2000(tagged)
Location: Just FOB, ~2' LOC, ~8.5' high
Notes: AT-853 Hypers pointed directly at stacks. 10:38-10:47 and 11:12-11:18 patched with CM-100s/CP-1s source due to gain adjustments at the show. STC-9200 was set to +15db for the first song, then changed to +30db for the rest of the show.
Taper: Jason Graham(jagraham84ATgmailDOTcom)