Rainy Day Women
Summer of Love party
Kent UK
24th JUly 2010
Soundboard > Toshiba External Sound Card > Dell Laptop > Audacity > CDWav for slpitting > TLH
Rainy Day Women was formed in 2006 by Tony Winn to perform the songs of Bob Dylan from the 1960s through to the 00s in our own way and have fun in the process. Our first gig was at the Kelvedon Free Music Festival in Essex and it seemed to work so we're going to carry on expanding the repertoire so long as Tony can remember all the words.
Although treating the songs with the care and respect that they deserve, we don't stick slavishly to the arrangements and sounds of the original versions, preferring to develop ways of playing the tunes that work well for us and sound fresh. This is pretty much what Bob has always done with his various live bands
Set List
1. Like a Rolling Stone
2. From a Buick 6
3. just like a woman
4. Tangled up in Blue
5. Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)
6. Mississippi
7. Motorpsycho Nightmare
8. Subterranean Homesick Blues
9. Simple Twist of fate
10. Maggies farm
11. Not Dark yet
12. Highway 61
13. The Times they are a changing
14. Gotta Serve somebody
15. Announcement/tuning
16. I shall be released
A deadheaduk recording for Shed on the Web Productions