Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mtn Boys
September 3, 1999 Early Show
Bass Mountain Bluegrass Festival
Snow Camp, NC
Source: Source: SP-CMC-6 (binaural) > SP-BPF-2 > Sony D-8 > Maxell HS-4/60s DAT
Transfer: Maxell HS-4/60s DAT > D-8 > M-10 (wave 24/96) > WavePad Sound Editor tracking,
split, fades, save to 16/44 wave > TLH encoded to flac (level 8) aligned on SB's (pad)
Note: This was my daughters first festival road trip. On Saturday the outer edges of hurricane Dennis
came ashore and disrupted out fine time. The wind noise was bad and the camping was worse. We had
a fine time but far from perfect. At one point you can hear the crickets join in the chorus. At another you
can hear my daughter quite upset and ready to head back to camp. I insisted we wait until the performance
was over. On Sunday we decided to cut out early at head for Gatlinburg, TN which offered many things to
delight a four year old. I should mention that track 12 on the late show I found offensive. I'm quite sure
this bit isn't something they did outside the South. My little girl thoght it was quite funny and we had to
have a talk afterwords about how this might of made a few of her friends in school feel. Feel free to leave
it off the disc. I plan to.
Set List
Early Show
01. Intro
02. Mountain Folk
03. I'll Just Catch A Train And Ride
04. Sitting On Top Of The World
05. Canonball Blues
06. Mary, Merry Christmas
07. Pretty Little Indian
08. Room At The Top Of The Stairs >
09. Little Maggie
10. Turn Back
11. I'll Answer The Call
12. Jeasus Savior Pilot Me
13. Folsom Prison Blues
14. Always On My Mind
15. Clinch Mountain Backstep
16. Rocky Island
Late Show
01. Intro
02. Katy Daly
03. All I Ever Loved Was You
04. Sunny Side Of The Mountain
05. I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
06. Pretty Polly
07. If I Lose >
08. Kitten And The Cat
09. Listen To My Hammer Ring
10. Gloryland
11. Think Of What You Done
12. mocking Japaneese (in bad taste)
13. Orange Blossom Special
14. Rank Stranger
recording, transfer, and designs by dg hale
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: