RAMONES, Paris-France, Bataclan, 18 september 1978, SM aud master
An example from a new folk music style, born in the mid seventies.
First upload from my original cassette.
It was a 2 channels mono recording; at some point, i had to copy portion of a channel on the other to improve the global sound.
Recorded from the floor using a Sony TC 150 and a cheap ext mic.
Cassette - Marantz SD 4051, pitch adjusted - Zoom H4 - SD card - PC - Audacity (repairs, more basses, volume, tracks) - FLAC & md5 with TLH.
Setlist :
01 Intro
02 Rockaway Beach
03 Teenage lobotomy
04 Blitzkrieg Bop
05 I Don't Want You *
06 ... (with false start) *
07 Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
08 You're Gonna Kill That Girl
09 Don't Come Close
10 I Don't Care
11 She's The One
12 Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
13 Havana Affair
14 Needles And Pins
15 Surfin' Bird
16 Surfin' Bird reprise
17 Cretin Hop
18 ...
19 California Sun
20 I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
21 Pinhead
22 Audience
23 Do You Wanna Dance
24 Ho Ho I Love Her So
25 ...
26 ...
27 Now I Want To Sniff Some Glue
28 ...
* some tape noises featured.
Sample in comments.
On dime by letsgo, august 2020.