Wild Horse Saloon
Durango, Colorado
April 22nd, 2017

"The 2017 Durango Bluegrass Meltdown"

Source 1- AT 822 Stereo Mic
Source 2- Soundboard
Recorder- Tascam DR-60D @ 16/44.1
Processing- SD card > PC > Audacity > TLH (FLAC 8)

Recorded by billydee and richard skaggs
Processed by billydee

One set
01- track 01
02- I-70 Blues
03- banter
04- Hiking In the Pines
05- Passing Days
06- Sunset Waltz > Dark Eyes
07- banter
08- track 08
09- track 09
10- banter
11- Cottonwood Pass
12- Passing Days
13- Crooked Road

Total time- 44:57

Rapidgrass is:
-Coleman Smith - Violin
-Mark Morris - Guitar
-Alex Johnstone - Mandolin
-Carl Meinecke - Bass

Check out Rapidgrass online, buy an album, some merch and be sure to see them play live.

Thanks to Glenn Keefe for his technical assistance and support, the Wild Horse Saloon staff for their hospitality, emcee Kaye Book and especially the Durango Bluegrass Meltdown board of directors and volunteers.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
