November, 1988
evergreen park, illinois
pj flaherty's
unverified gen tape(tdk ad90)>technics rs-t36r>r9(line in)>2gb memory card>pc>audacity>cd wav>tlh(flac 8)>you
tdk ad90 3 sides cut together using audacity. otherwise raw
the taper responsible for this show is deceased and the master's location remains unknown and possibly destroyed. the exact generation of this tape is unverified
and is being labeled as such. nothing fancy was used to record this show. It was just a standard recorder of the day using the internal mics.
the quality is a little better than what you'd expect using basic equipment and would be far better if the master or a lower gen ever turns up.
its quite possible that this is is the only known copy. there is some hiss but its nothing distracting. overall would rate this
the tape itself comes from a friend of the taper and he is thrilled to share his copy. the taper would have loved to know
that others are enjoying his tapes as he never saw them being listened to by anyone except him and a very few select friends.
had he known how easy it was to do all this then it may have given him some incentive to still be with us and share the
memories himself.
the exact date of this show remains a puzzle. the tape only came with the venue and november 1988. until/unless corrected,
it will remain labeled as such
get ready was cut this way, otherwise that one track would have been over 25min.
01)big john is my name
02)big brother
03)born to wander
04)tobacco road
05)live it up(?)
06)smiling faces sometimes
07) (i know im) losing you
disc 2
01)cant stop love
02)get ready
03)drum solo
04)get ready(reprise)