Ratdog & Furthur Finale Jam
Sandstone Amphitheater - Bonner Springs, KS
Source: Unknown AUD
Transfer: Cass > Behringer UCA202 > Audacity > WAV > TLH > FLAC
Taper Unknown
Transferred from cassette and seeded by Bill Graves
~ Ratdog ~
1. The Winners >
2. Eternity
3. Blackbird
4. Looks Like Rain
5. I Know You Rider
6. It's All Over Now
7. Victim or the Crime
8. Bass //
9. I Need a Miracle >
10. Josephine
~ Furthur Finale Jam ~
1. Crowd / Tuning
2. Playin' in the Band >
3. Kansas City
4. Gimme Some Lovin' >
5. Gloria >
6. Playin' Reprise
- Some flubs with the recording. The high end gets muffled, some other oddities
- Tape flip near the end of Bass Jam, the handle between it an Miracle is missing
- Previously Uncirculated!
Massive thanks to Tim Martin for letting me borrow the tape.
This show is part of The Furthur Project -
These files were created on 12/12/2018.