Ray Wylie Hubbard
Lobero Theatre
Santa Barbara, CA
7th Row Center, Right:
Neumann AK-40’s (x/y) >LC3 >KM-100’s >Beyer MV-100 >Sony TCD-D8
DAT Master Transferred: Tascam DA-30 >HHb CDR 800 PRO Via Analog i/o
Recorded/Transferred By OldNeumanntapr
1. Intro (Peggy Jones)
2. Rabbit
3. Snake Farm
4. Drunken Poet's Dream
5. Down Home Country Blues
6. Name Droppin'
7. Mother Hubbard's Blues
8. When She Sang Amazing Grace
9. Ballad Of The Crimson Kings
10. Without Love
11. Dust Of The Chase
12. Redneck Mother
13. Wanna Rock 'N Roll
14. The Messenger
15. You Got To Move
Taper’s Notes-
After hearing ‘Snake Farm’ played again and again on K-Pig FM I knew that I had to see (and record) Ray Wylie Hubbard. Ray is an awesome story teller who has a very funny, self-depricating humor. I really wish more tapers were recording him. I love the acoustics of the Lobero Theatre, and my recordings always sound good in there.