Red Stick Ramblers
Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival
Walsh Farm
Oak Hill,New York
Master Audience Recorded By Keo
Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns>2'Custom Microphone Bar>
10' Monster Cables>Korg MR-1000 @ 1Bit/5.6 MHz
Mics 9' High,Tail End Of "Tapers Section" 40'Behind Sound Board Tent
Degraded Original Windscreens Used
Tracking,Sample Rate Conversion/Metadata Tagging
With AudioGate Software To 32 Bit Float/96kHz
Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper


2.Unknown Song ?
3.Drinking To You
4.Blood Shot Eyes
5.My Suitcase Is Always Packed
6.A Cajun Murder Ballad
7.You Used To Have So Much,
I Won't Have No More
8.Lay Down In The Grass
9.Goodbye To The Blues
10.Hubbin' It
11.The Killing Jive
12.Made In The Shade
13.Barnyard Bachelor
14.Gather Good Friends ?
15.Unknown Instrumental ?
16.Thank You/Outro

Check Out Thier

Comments:This Band was alot of fun and hard not
to get up and move when these guys were playing!
Recording levels ran a bit hot in some areas with
the added drums but does not take away from the
transfer and the listening!As always ENJOY!