Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band
April 22, 2015 Woodlands Tavern
Columbus, Ohio
Zoom H4n Stereo Mode
internal microphones
Sound Forge Pro 11.0 Volume Boost and Fades
CD Wave 1.98 Track Splitting on Sector Boundaries
Trader's Little Helper 2.6.0 Encode .wav to .flac & create .md5 Checksum File and Torrent
Artwork Included In The Torrent File.
So the Reverend Peyton and the other two members of his Big Damn Band hit the Woodlands Tavern in support of their latest release, So Delicious, laying down their schtick infused brand of country blues. These guys (and gal) tore it up! I must admit I've never seen anyone play a burning washboard (see video included), nor have I seen a five gallon bucket mounted as part of the drum kit. The Reverend plays several different makes/styles of guitar, Fingerstyle. iTunes even mentioned the "interweaving guitars" in a recent review- but it's all him, one guitar, six strings and five fingers. Did I mention this guy can play? We were also treated to a guest this Wednesday evening. Flogging Molly's drummer, George Schwindt, played on a couple tunes throughout the night. They obviously have a sense of humor as well. The Reverend sports a tattoo proudly proclaiming "Corn Fed" on his arm and Breezy requested two boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells in her rider. They also sold their own branded hot sauce at the merch table, which I bought- so delicious!
Support these fine folks any way you can.
By all means, go see them live. You
will not be disappointed!
1. Something For Nothing
2. Easy Come Easy Go
3. banter
4. Let's Jump A Train
5. Dirt
6. We Live Dangerous
7. Mama's Fried Potatoes
8. banter
9. Hell Naw
10. Front Porch Trained
11. Pot Roast and Kisses
12. Clap Your Hands
13. Devils Look Like Angels
14. guest intro
15. Raise A Little Hell (w/George Schwindt)
16. banter
17. You Can't Judge A Book By The Cover
18. thank you and banter
19. Music and Friends
20. encore break
21. Two Bottles of Wine (w/George Schwindt)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
ReverendPeytonsBigDamnBand2015-04-22WoodlandsTavernColumbusOH (5).jpg
ReverendPeytonsBigDamnBand2015-04-22WoodlandsTavernColumbusOH (6).jpg
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ReverendPeytonsBigDamnBand2015-04-22WoodlandsTavernColumbusOH (9).jpg