Rick Danko Acoustic With Kingfish Members
Oakdale Music Theater
Master Audience Nakamichi CM300>Sony D5 or D6
Tape:TDK SA-90
Taper Floater,Transfer by Keo
Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1>Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz
Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Metadata Tagging
With AudioGate Software To 32 Bit Float/96 kHz
Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper

Danko Setlist:

2.Java Blues
3.Crazy Mama
4.It Makes No Differen..ce (Tape Flip Near End)
5.Walkin' Blues
6.Stage Fright
7.Little Red Rooster
8.Mystery Train

Acoustic Kingfish Filler From The Start Of Tape

10...Every Little Light
11.Cake Walk Into town
12.The Weight

Rick Danko-Bass/Vocals

Matthew Kelly-guitar/Harmonica
Steve Kimock-Guitar
Barry Flast-Keyboards
Anna Rizzo-Vocals
Steve Heavens-Bass

Comments:Another HUGE thanks Floater for the source tape!
The four songs from Kingfish was on the start of the tape
and I added it as filler in case the rest of the masters
do not surface.Also Rick Danko sits in for "The Weight"
and I'm not sure if he played the whole set with Kingfish.
I'm sure other's may chime in once this see's the light if
they were there!A member of Kinfish stated that there was
a lot going on after thier set including Hot Tuna!Members
of Kingfish sit in for Danko's Set!This has a nice clear
upfront sound and is a sweat but short set!As always ENJOY!