Rick Wakeman - "The Ultimate Experience 2013" (AUD)
featuring; The New English Rock Ensemble, The Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra, and The Worcester Cathedral Chamber Choir
Venue: The Centaur, Cheltenham Racecouse, Cheltenham, UK
Date: Sunday 16th June 2013
Quality: Pretty good for an audience recording I reckon - you be the judge, check the sound samples.
Artwork: Included
The Band:
Keyboards: Rick Wakeman
Guitar: Dave Colquhoun
Bass: Lee Pomeroy
Drums: Tony Fernandez
Vocals: Ashley Holt
Conductor: Guy Protheroe
Audience Recording Location: Row Q, at the back of first raised seating section, right side of stage, about 20m back.
Lineage: Sony Hi-MD MZ-RH10 (Hi-SP) with external Sony ECM-MS907 Mic (in 90deg) placed on balcony ledge just behind (and secured with 'blu-tack').
USB transfer to PC (WAV) -> Soundforge 9.0 (Normalise to standard 'Music' setting -16db and track split) -> TLH SB align and Flac encode (Level8)
Unfortunately there is some cable knocking (against the mic) noise as I was holding my minidisc recorder throughout the concert (nowhere else to put it!)
Fortunately it's not too prevalent and certainly does not spoil the music tracks. It is mostly only heard in the gaps between songs.
Disc One - Set One
01. The Jig (note: the sound guys were fixing the overall sound mix thoroughout this opening track)
02. Introduction to 'King Arthur'
03. King Arthur
04. Introduction to 'Gone But Not Forgotten'
05. Gone But Not Forgotten
06. Introduction to 'Catherine Howard'
07. Catherine Howard
08. Introduction to 'Morning Has Broken'
09. Morning Has Broken
10. Introduction to 'Help & Eleanor Rigby'
11. Help / Eleanor Rigby
Duration: 1:00:27
Disc Two - Set Two
01. Dance Of A Thousand Lights
02. Introduction to 'Merlin'
03. Merlin The Magician
04. Introduction to 'After The Ball'
05. After The Ball
06. Introduction to 'Jane Seymour'
07. Jane Seymour
08. Introduction to 'Journey'
09. Journey To The Centre Of The Earth
10. Band Intros and Thanks
11. Starship Trooper
Duration: 1:13:25
Hope you like the recordings.
Please support Rick and buy his music! (I do)
June 2013
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: