Robert Earl Keen
Houston, Texas
July 14, 1995

1. intro -> gringo honeymoon
2. corpus christi bay
3. merry xmas from the family
4. barbeque
5. it's the little things
6. whenever kindness fails
7. tom ames prayer
8. catfish shuffle
9. the five pound bass
10. the front porch song
11. song for kathy
12. lonely feeling
13. think it over one time
14. fourth of july
15. i'm coming home
16. amarillo highway
17. road goes on forever
18. swervin' in my lane

Received in trade SBD. The copy I had had a drop in levels around 2:25 into Corpus Christi Bay for the remainder of the show so I used Soundtrack Pro to bring the rest of the show to the same volume.

SBD (trade) -> levels fixed with soundtrack pro -> flac via xACT