Robert Palmer
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA, USA
Saturday, September 29, 1979
Bootleg Title: Live Secrets: Band In Boston
Bootleg Label: B4G Bootz Ltd.
Source: Vinyl PROMO - Soundboard Recording
Label: Warner Bros. Records – WBMS 111
Series: The Warner Bros. Music Show –
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Promo
Country: USA
Released: 1979
Date & Venue confirmation:
A collaborative effort of FREE_Forever and TheCommish.
Lineage on FREE_Forever's end: Vinyl LP > Thorens turntable TD 126 MK III Electronic with moving coil > Rotel RC-1090 Pre-amplifier > Pioneer PDR-04 Compact Disc Recorder > Dell Dimension 8300 > dbPowerAMP > Flac4 > CD-R > TheCommish's mailbox (Snail Mail)
Lineage on TheCommish's end: CD-R > FLAC Frontend > WAV > Nero (re-combining entire show) > CD Wave (re-tracking) > Nero (volume adjustments & slight edits/fades) > FLAC Frontend (aligned on sector boundaries) > FLAC
Here's a pretty rare and excellent Robert Palmer show generously donated by FREE_Forever that was banned on DIME as recently as January 2006. (2015 edit: Not soooo rare anymore since 2006 ....)
However, fellow DIMER Jetrell69 reached out to the DIME mods and explained that because this was a promotional recording only (i.e., not commercially available), it seems it should be allowed on DIME.
The mods explained: "As of October 29, 2005, Erwe ended DIME's prohibition on promo-only releases.
[Promo videos generally use the audio from the retail release as their sound, so we've been able to apply that relaxation only to audio promos.]
So therefore, as a result of Jetrell69's perserverance AND the collaborative efforts of FREE_Forever and TheCommish, we can now proudly present this show for your enjoyment.
Setlist: (Composer) Time
01. Best Of Both Worlds (Robert Palmer) 5:14
02. Every Kinda People (Andy Fraser) 3:45
03. Too Good To Be True (Robert Palmer) 2:53
04. Some People Can Do What They Like (Robert Palmer) 3:28
05. What's It Take? (Robert Palmer) 3:02
06. Love Stop (John David) 2:59
07. Can We Still Be Friends (Todd Rundgren) 3:06
08. In Walks Love Again (Robert Palmer) 2:38
09. Kid (Chrissie Hynde) 2:38
10. Pressure Drop (Frederick Hibbert) 4:09
11. Medley (8:38)
Sailing Shoes (Lowell George) 2:38
Hey Julia (Robert Palmer) 1:31
Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley (Allen Toussaint) 4:28
12. Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor) (Moon Martin) 4:28
13. Jealous (Jo Allen) 3:22
14. You're Gonna Get What's Coming (Robert Palmer) 5:11
Total time: 55:39
Note: For those who prefer, there is a separate folder included in this torrent which splits the 3 songs included in the Track 11 medley (for those of you who like to skip to your favorite tracks).
Finding information on Palmers band members is tough — but if you listen to the music - he introduces the band at the end of "Sneakin’ Sally".
It's essentially a big part of the band that played on the Secrets album:
The Band In Boston:
Robert Palmer - Vocals
Leo Nocentelli (of The Meters) - Guitar
Pierre Brock – Bass
Jack Waldman – Keyboards
Aaron Maxfield - Keyboards
Dony Wynn - Drums
2006 Show notes from FREE_Forever:
Band In Boston – Live Secrets 1979
So, this is the famous (?) "BAND IN BOSTON" show, not "Banned in Boston" as it is often called.
It is a Radio show from Warner Brothers, a Promotional Item, that has never been on sale, or has never been commercially released, so if KBFH., BBC, Westwood One or Rockpalast shows are allowed on Dime,
there should be no reason to refuse this one.
All I know is that this is live in 1979 in Boston on the "Secrets" tour. If anybody happens to know the exact date & venue, please mention this in the Torrent comments. (2015 edit: Info found in 2015!)
In another Robert Palmer Torrent I offered to "burn & mail" it to a small group of interested people, because I haven’t figured out yet how to upload shows,
and "The Commish" was the only guy brave or clever enough to take me up on that offer.
In return he offered to upload it for me, which I really appreciate, so here it is, my first, although indirect, contribution to the Dime community that has given me so many hours of nice shows already.
I would like to use this opportunity to say: Thanks to all of you out there! keep’em coming and I’ll soon (?) be joining you with uploading of new shows that you might not have yet.
What’s the history behind this recording, the "fingerprints"?
I bought the official LP, not a bootleg copy, through the internet.
Recorded to CD-R myself through; Thorens turntable TD 126 MK III Electronic with moving coil > Rotel RC-1090 Pre-amplifier > Pioneer PDR-04 Compact Disc Recorder > Dell Dimension 8300 > dbPowerAMP > Flac4 > CD-R > International mail > "The Commish"
(How "The Commish" gets it to you I have no idea, otherwise I would have been seeding this myself ...)
Artwork: The original LP cover is plain red with the white lettering you’ll also find on the CD. No indication of the Band, or the title and the cover simply has a hole in the middle,
where you can see the printed middle circle of the LP, of which you’ll find a scan on the inside part of the front cover of the CD.
I have taken my CD cover of the "Secrets" album and inserted this into the whole in the middle of the LP cover and scanned it to create the front cover of the CD.
Band and title have also been added. Scanning of everything on the CD cover has been done by myself, but the whole idea I had for the CD cover (front and back) has been executed by my wife, who is much better graphically than I am.
Quality of the recording? Well, it is from a vinyl source, so that is what you can hear as well, which does not bother me at all and I would not have changed it, even if I could, because I still like the sound of LP’s.
It sounds pretty good to me, 9 on a 10 scale. Because it is vinyl sourced, you can also hear the change/break from side 1 to side 2, between "In Walks Love Again" and "Kid".
I am sure this can be easily fixed by somebody, but again the question; Why? It is vinyl sourced, leave it as it is.
Because I thought the track was finished I pushed the "new song" button on my recorder too early during "Bad Case Of Loving You" and that is why the track is split in two (# 12/13).
If you only listen to the complete concert you will not even notice this, but if you want to jump from track to track (why would you do that during a live show?) this might become mildly irritating.
So, is this perfect? No, but it is only my first effort anyway, so there is room for improvement. If anybody feels the urge to "glue" the two LP sides together, as well as track 12/13 and also wants to remove the "vinyl noises",
be my guest, but please have the courtesy of thanking "The Commish" and myself for the source.
BIG thanks to "The Commish" for uploading this for me (and for YOU actually). ENJOY!
2006 Show notes from TheCommish:
The FLAC files I received from FREE_Forever had "Bad Case Of Loving You" split into 2 tracks, as mentioned above.
For your convenience, I decided to join the two tracks into one track (#12) by decoding the original FLACs with FLAC Frontend, merging the 2 WAV files via Nero's Wave Editor,
and then encoding the combined WAV file back to a FLAC file via FLAC Frontend (level 6), aligning on sector boundaries.
**Artwork included**
If you really like/appreciate this show, don't just "grab-and-go"; instead, please take a moment to post a comment or send a "Thank You" via PM to FREE_Forever and myself.
It takes a lot longer to prepare/upload a show than it does to download it, and it's nice to know when people sincerely appreciate the effort you put into sharing a show here online.
Please don't let DIME become a community of predominantly "takers".
Lastly, please enjoy this terrific show!!!
Show generously donated to the DIME community by FREE_Forever (including the fine artwork), and
uploaded on DIME by TheCommish on August 23, 2006.
2015 Additional notes from FREE: Forever # 1:
First of all: Thanks again to TheCommish for his help way back in 2006 ....
Since 2006 it's been quite a long time, so I decided to look at this again.
In the meantime I managed to find much more information about the correct date, the venue and the band members for this show, so it was time for an update/upgrade anyway.
This is not a simple reseed, because I have changed almost everything.
BUT ....
The Tracks were renamed with: dBpoweramp Release 15.1
The tracks had no ID-Tags, so I created all those too with: dBpoweramp Release 15.1
Artwork added to the ID-Tags with: dBpoweramp Release 15.1
The Artwork for 2006 was good at that time, but left a lot to be desired.
Basically it was a cut and paste job done in Word and you could even see the spell checker marks under words like "Gonna", which were copied into the artwork by "Printscreen" (I guess ...).
Anyway, I decided to create NEW ARTWORK under my other nom de guerre "Bad4Good" with the help of Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended & "AudioLabel 5.00"
Hope you like it ....
Last, but not least: .md5, .ffp, .st5 & .sfv created with T.L.H. & SBE check done with T.L.H. too.
One of the best disclaimers I have ever seen was by “persic” on DIME.
In line with his words I have taken the liberty to “Steal & Modify” them ….
Feel free to do whatever you wish with this and any other torrent I post or have ever posted.
It would be great if you wish to post on to other sites so others may choose to get this as well should they wish …
… and please do so whenever and wherever you wish.
That includes if you wish to post to eMPty3 sites in whatever bitrate you wish.
Please feel free to post to any amount of blogs in any format you wish.
Feel free to share in any format in anyway in any location at any time you wish as once you have downloaded this Torrent it is just as much yours as it is mine …
So hell, change the txt file, delete tracks, move tracks around, lie about where the show is from and who recorded it.
Matrix it with a recording of some other band recorded many years before or do the one thing nobody does....
… listen to it, support the artist, buy their releases and see them live.
My one request............don't even wonder or think that I have any requests about what you do with this, as I don't ... with this or any other torrent I ever post …
Go to their concerts!
Buy Their Merchandise!
Spread the word!
FREE: Forever # 1
Uploaded on DIME: April 27, 2015
Uploaded by: Forever_Free aka Free_Forever aka Bad4Good
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: