Robert Palmer
Music Hall
Houston, Texas
October 24, 1979

source : unknown mic and deck
transfer from master cassette
taper : mystical crow
transfer : markp

setlist is per the cassette
remember robert never saw a medley he didn't like
so many songs parts of medleys and some medley songs missed

disc one
best of both worlds
every kind of people
woman you're wonderful
too good to be true
some people can do what they like
whats it take
love stop
can we still be friends
in walked love again
would you like to fly to the moon
gotta get a grip on you
give me an inch

disc two
under suspicion
give me back my heart
remember to remember
preasure drop
man smart woman smarter
sailin shoes
hey julia
sneakin sally through the alley
bad case of lovin you
you're goin to get whats comin