Robert Plant - 1985 July, Live in Texas
LINEAGE> FM Radio > PCM-501ES > PCM-D1 > Samplitude > FLAC
This is a recording of local radio broadcasting program which source is originted in ABC.
There were 7 songs broadcasted in here and have removed announcer's talk of local program
in between 5 and 6.
I checked with Mr. Plant's official site but there was no show in Texas on July but June.
Although local announcer said that this recording came from ABC and was stated as July Texas,
maybe this came from somewhere over the rainbow:-) Hope you enjoy...
1. In the Mood
2. Little By Little
3. Too Loud
4. Pledge Pin
5. Slow Dancer
6. Good Rockin' at Midnight
7. Sea of Love
total 48 minutes.