Robert Plant
Rockwell Charity Gig

01. Intro
02. Black Dog
03. Funny in my Mind (Fixin' to Die)
04. Whole Lotta Love

performed with Justin Adams and Juldeh Camara

The video can be found on youtube in varying quality. By no means should this be considered an excellent,
definitive attempt, but if someone wants to use the audio I've captured, divide the single WAV file into
tracks and/or even repair some glitches, that would be great. This stuff isn't everyone's cup of tea though,
so if there's no interest, I understand. Oh, and if somehow I missed a torrent of a great transfer of both
the audio and video from this show, shoot me first and then please post the link.

Comcast Motorola DVR HD Dual Tuner DCH3416 > Belkin RCA/Mini cable>Mic input> Audacity (used to record the
audio in 16 bit/44.1kHz WAV and to edit the non-Plant bits) > Wav

Additional Lineage: Wav > CDWave (edit single wave file) > TLH (convert wav to flac) > Cool Edit Pro (Add Fades) > TLH (Check SBE's - OK, create checksums) > Flac6
No EQing or other changes to audio.

Please note that there are some glitches/dropouts that were present when I played back the recording on the DVR... I'm
aware of them, but there was nothing I could do to fix them. Probably a Comcast issue, but possibly having to do with my DVR.

This info file is altered but main info is unchanged.

Downloaded courtesy of, and many thanks to, Zepcowboy at The Hotel 18/03/2011.