Robert Plant and The Sensational Shape Shifters
Stockholm, Sweden
Grona Lund
Stage: "Stora Scenen"(Big Stage)
July 14 2015
Audio: 24 Bit / 48 Khz
Recorder - kanuck57
Robert Plant - vocals
Justin Adams - guitar, vocals
John Baggott - keyboards, vocals
Juldeh Camara - kologo, ritti, Fulani vocals
Billy Fuller - bass
Liam "Skin" Tyson - guitar, vocals
Dave Smith - drums, percussion
01-Intro Music/Trampled Under Foot(Led Zeppelin)
02-Turn It Up
03-Black Dog(Led Zeppelin)
05-The Wanton Song(Led Zeppelin)
06-Spoonful(Willie Dixon)
07-Band Introduction
08-The Rain Song(Led Zeppelin)
09-How Many More Times(Led Zeppelin)
10-No Place to Go(Willie Dixon)/Dazed and Confused(Led Zeppelin)
11-Little Maggie(traditionalcover)
12-The Lemon Song(Led Zeppelin)
13-Crawling King Snake(Big Joe Williams)
14-I Just Want to Make Love to You(Willie Dixon)/Whole Lotta Love(Led Zepplin)/Mona(Willie Dixon)
16-Rock and Roll(Led Zeppelin)
Tascam DR-07 MKII (internal cardioid mics) - 4 GB Memory Card - Adobe Audition - Fade In/Out - Wave - 24 Bit/48 Khz/ Bitrate 2304 Kbps - SongSplit - FLAC 8
Photos included.
Located 25 meters from center of stage.
No filters or limiters.
While on vacation visiting my daughter in the beautiful city of Stockholm, we decided to go to Robert Plant & The Sensational Shape Shifters. Excellent concert!
If your ever at Stockholm`s Grona Lund Amusement Park for a concert be sure to take the 80 meter tall Free Fall Drop ride after the show......What A Rush!!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
RobertPlantAndTheSensationalShapeShifters2015-07-14GronaLundStockholmSweden (7).JPG
RobertPlantAndTheSensationalShapeShifters2015-07-14GronaLundStockholmSweden (8).JPG
RobertPlantAndTheSensationalShapeShifters2015-07-14GronaLundStockholmSweden (9).JPG