Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters
Fox Theater
Oakland, Ca
February 28, 2018
Recorded by Daspyknows
1st level rail dead center
Schoeps MK4/NBox Platinum Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K
Processed using Soundforge 11, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac
Master 2018.30
01. New World...
02. Turn It Up
03. The May Queen
04. Rainbow
05. That's the Way
06. All the King's Horses
07. Please Read the Letter
08. Gallows Pole
09. Carry Fire
10. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
11. Little Maggie
12. Fixin' to Die
13. Misty Mountain Hop
14. Crowd
15. In the Mood
16. Bring It On Home / Whole Lotta Love / Santianna [trad] / Whole Lotta Love
Thanks to help from friends I was all set with tickets. Robert Plant playing
a venue the size of the Fox Theater is a treat compared to the other venues I
have seen him play. I was able to get in right as the doors open and was next
to good people. I did have a woman behind me ask me to move so she could have
my spot. I gave her a one word answer and listened to her grumble that I wouldn't
move. Seth Lakeman opened the show. He is a solo fiddle player who also played
with Robert Plant. It was a decent 30 minute set. After a breal Robert Plant
came on with his band. He sounded great and the band was solid. The set included
material from his various solo eras as well as a number of Led Zeppelin songs
that sent the crowd into a frenzy. As Robert Plant is one of the rock icons it
was a treat to see him even if he won't play with Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones.
If this is my last chance to see Robert Plant, the Whole Lotta Love medley to end
the set was a fitting finale.
Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol:
Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold
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