Robert Randolph And The Family Band-Chevrolet Court,State Fairgrounds,Syracuse,N.Y. 09/04/10

Source: Edirol R-09 HR>Neumann KM 184 Mics>CD Wav Editor>Traders Little Helper>Flac Level 8

Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper.Taped By Dave Boedicker(


SORRY,I DON"T HAVE One! If Anyone Knows The Setlist,Please List It.Thank You!

Notes:1) The First Minute(Before The Music Starts,There Is High Levels/Distortion).After That,I Turned The Limiter

Switch To "On" And There Is No Distortion After This.

2) Thanks To Dave Bower(I Hope I Spelled Your Last Name Correctly) For The Patch!!
